Gun Control: By Fred Hoehn There have been a lot of shootings. There was Columbine. There was Gabby Giffords who survived, and those with her who didn’t. There was the massacre in Aurora, CO. There was the shooting of children at a school in Connecticut. There was the recent murder of a military sniper by a crazy man. Not long ago, there was the man in New York state who started a fire, and then when the firemen came, started shooting firemen. Two died, as I recall. After that incident, people were talking “gun control.” But no, in that particular case we shouldn’t be talking gun control. That man was a convicted murderer. After some time in prison, he got out. Then he murdered firemen. What’s wrong with this picture? The murdered firemen should not have been murdered if the justice system had done a proper job. This is what God says about murderers: Numbers 35:33 “So you shall not pollute the land in which you are, for blood defiles the land, and the land can't be cleansed from the blood that is shed in it, except by the blood of him that shed it.” Murder defiles the land, God says, and the only way to fix it is execute the murderer. But if you won’t execute murderers, then the land keeps getting more and more defiled every time you won’t execute a murderer. Thus, God requires capital punishment. It’s not optional, it’s required. You might ask, “Well, what is God going to do to me if I don’t follow that?” One thing God is likely to do to those who won’t obey him is send them to hell. I heard someone say, “Well, if I’m going to hell, I’ll have a lot of friends there.” No, if you say that, you don’t understand hell. Jesus said that in hell, there’s crying and gnashing of teeth, where there worms don’t die, and where the fire is not quenched. Those people you had as friends on earth that you share hell with, won’t be your friends anymore in hell. They’ll be blaming you for helping them to go there like you’ll be blaming them. Jesus said, “Don’t fear those who can kill the body, and after that have nothing else they can do, but rather fear him (God) who can throw both soul and body into hell. Yes, I say to you fear him.” You might say, “Well the people in my state don’t favor capital punishment.” Oh, they don’t? But God does. So then the people in your state are on the wrong side of God. Not a good place to be. Why is it that some people think they’re smarter than the God who created us? Those people are wrong. God is smarter than they are. For best results follow the instructions in the instruction manual. The instruction manual for life is the Holy Bible. I read years ago in Reader’s Digest of a man who murdered, then went to prison. After a while they let him out. He murdered again and went to prison. After a while they let him out. He murdered again. You see, the second and third murders would not have happened if they had done what God said to do, and executed the man after the first murder. By the way, are the people in your state also in favor of gay rights? If so, they’re opposing God again, who says in 1 Corinthians 6:9,10 that homosexuals (“the effeminate”) don’t go to heaven. And if male homosexuality is wrong in the sight of God, so is female homosexuality (lesbians), as can be seen in Romans chapter 1. Someone might say, “Well, is it so bad to miss out on heaven?” Yes, because everyone goes either to heaven or hell, taught Jesus. So if you miss heaven, you burn in hell with unquenchable fire, and are being eaten by worms that won’t die. President Obama was recently asked, “Should the Boy Scouts accept gays?” Obama said “Yes.” Thus Obama is opposed to God, and God will punish Obama. Colin Powell said Obama is a Christian. No, Mr. Powell a man who thinks the Boy Scouts should accept gays is not a Christian. My mother served the Lord as a Christian, then died and went to heaven. My Dad claimed to be an Atheist, then died and went to hell. But when Atheists get to hell, they become believers in God when they see that Jesus told the truth. But speaking of gun control, some have said, “Well there shouldn’t be available these large magazines for weapons that hold so many rounds of ammo. But as one law enforcement officer said recently on PBS, a person well-trained can change the smaller magazines very fast. So that doesn’t really solve the problem. Some might say people shouldn’t have personal guns, but the Constitution with its amendments says we can, and like the bumper sticker says, “When guns are outlawed, then only outlaws will have guns.” Some are in favor of more thorough background checks. But criminals who buy their guns on the black market out on the street don’t worry about background checks. But many of the murderers are crazy people. How does it happen that we have so many crazies? One big reason for so much insanity is pornography. Jesus said, “He that looks after a woman to lust for her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Porn generates crazy people, but in the U.S. today, pornography seems to pretty much a normal thing. But if you’re using porn, you’re displeasing to God. The use of porn allows demons (fallen angels) to get into you. Those demons aren’t there to do you any good, but “to steal, to kill, and to destroy,” like Jesus said in John 10:10. You’re playing with fire if you use porn. If you say, “Well it’s legal,” the answer is “It shouldn’t be, if people took God and the Bible seriously.” Some might say, “Well, I don’t have time for God and the Bible.” You don’t? But do you have time to spend the rest of eternity in hell, where most people go, says Jesus? We are having so many problems because the nation has strayed a long way from being a God-fearing nation. Looks like it will only get worse for the nation and the world. But things will get better for you if you pray this prayer: “God, be merciful to me a sinner,” and you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. (see Romans chapter 10 verses 9 & 10)