"All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23 (chapter:verse)) "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23) Of course, everyone dies. But while he was on earth, Jesus taught that after life on earth, we go either to heaven or hell. In hell, there is crying, and gnashing of teeth. Where their worms don't die, and where the fire is never quenched. So that is spiritual death. But God has made provision for us not to have to go to hell. God's provision is his Son, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. So then, if Jesus took away the sin, why do we need to be concerned about it? Because Jesus only takes away the sins of those who get born-again (John chapter 3). You get born again when you hear the gospel message that you can have salvation through Jesus, and believe it, and confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus. "That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you're saved. For with the heart, man believes for righteousness, and with the mouth, your profession of salvation is made." (Romans 10:9,10). Just say a prayer right now like this: "Lord Jesus, thank you that you took my sins on you, and died for my sins. I accept you as my Savior and my Lord. Write my name in your book in heaven. Amen." The Bible says, "All that call on the name of the Lord shall be saved". If you prayed that prayer sincerely, you are a born-again Christian. Now get more "sword of the spirit, which is the word of God" (Ephesians chapter 6) by reading the Bible. Or, you can listen to the recorded word of God. Or, you can ask someone to read it to you. I did say, confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, but what about for someone who is a deaf mute? I have good news. God understands every language. How do you communicate with other people? Do the same with God to show him you want salvation through Jesus. God will understand, and grant you salvation. After becoming a born again Christian, Jesus wants his people to get baptized in water. Many Protestant churches can do that for you. I happen to have been baptized in water at an Assembly of God church.

Jesus said, "You will receive power after the Holy Ghost has come on you." (Acts 1:8) Jesus is the baptizer with the Holy Ghost, says John the Baptist. Ask the Lord Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Ghost. When you pray, believe you receive what you're asking for. (Mark 11:24) How will you know that you've received the Baptism with the Holy Ghost? You'll speak in a language you've never learned. How is that possible? The Holy Ghost will give you strange words to speak that you don't understand, and you add your voice to it, and speak those words out loud that the Holy Ghost (or, Holy Spirit) gives you. DO YOU NEED HEALING FROM GOD? If you're a Christian, healing belongs to you. "I am the Lord who heals you." (Ex 15:26) "Who forgives all your sins; who heals all your diseases." (Psa 103) "For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death." (Romans 8:2) "By whose stripes you were healed." (1 Peter 2:24) "Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses." (Matt. 8:17) But if healing belongs to Christians, why aren't they all well? Jesus said, "Ask, and it shall be given to you..." (Matt. 7:7) Some people don't ask God for healing. Or, some don't ask correctly. Jesus said, "When you pray, believe you receive the things you ask for, and you'll have them." (Mark 11:24) It's no good asking God for something if you don't put your faith with it. WHAT TO DO ABOUT DEMONS Demons are fallen angels, who rebelled against God when Satan did. The head of the demons is Satan. If you're a Christian, you have authority over demons. "See, I give you power...over all the power of the enemy." (Luke 10:19) "These signs shall follow those who believe: In my name, they'll cast out devils..." (Mark chapter 16) So how does one cast out devils? The same way Jesus did, by words spoken out of your mouth. You command them to go in Jesus' name. But sometimes Jesus asked the name of the demon, or you can also ask how many there are. Either of those two questions might be necessary. Jesus did say, however, that there's a kind of demon that doesn't go out except by prayer and fasting. Fasting is not eating for a while. Before you do that, ask the Lord for guidance. I knew a man in Indiana who was obese to begin with, and then tried to do too long a fast. I say it was too long a fast, because he died of medical complications due to his fasting. FINANCES If you're a Christian, God wants you to prosper. "Whatever he does will prosper." (Psalm 1:3) "I have come so they can have life, and so they can have it more abundantly," says Jesus. (John 10:10) But for financial prosperity, you do like for healing. Ask the Lord to prosper you, and when you pray, believe that you receive. (Mark 11:24)