Your Abundant Success Lasting Forever by Fred Hoehn, copyright 2011, all rights reserved. Chapter 1: Basics Along the road of life, I've learned some valuable lessons. It would be wrong of me not to share them with people. Thus, this book. But then, too, I'm a priest, so I really have no choice but to teach people. No choice, that is, if I want to wind up in heaven, and, of course, I do want that. Only a fool would choose to go to hell instead of heaven. More often, people go to hell because they neglected to make the arrangements to go to heaven, and everyone goes either to heaven or hell, according to the teachings of The Lord Jesus Christ, and I know that Jesus is right. As a priest, I'm also a teacher. You've probably seen in the Bible, "And he gave some...teachers..." (Ephesians 4:11) I'm one of those teachers it's talking about there. The Bible is, among other things, a book of history. An enemy army of ancient Israel had besieged a city of Israel, such that food became very scarce and expensive. But God made arrangements for the opposing army to depart suddenly, and in their haste they left a lot of food behind. The citizens of the city, however, were not aware of this new development. But some lepers living outside the city discovered this new supply of food. So they ate. Then they said, "If we keep this a secret, something bad will happen to us." So they went near the city, called to the gatekeepers, and shared the news. The starving citizens got fed. Something bad would happen to me if I didn't share what I've learned. The Lord will bless me for doing so. I've studied success since my youth. I've read Dale Carnegie books and books on positive mental attitude. After a while, I came to the conclusion that if there was anything of value in those books, it could also be found in the Bible, so that the Bible was really the best success handbook. I'll be giving you the tools for success from the Bible. You ought to look them up in the Bible and follow them. You might say, if you're a priest, what denomination? O.K., I'm protestant, Pentecostal, full-gospel, charismatic, unknown tongue-talking. I'm a priest because the Lord has called me to be a priest. "The gifts and calling of God are without repentance." So then, God's not going to change his mind about it. I had a career in electronics. Now I'm a teacher for God. Thus far, I haven't spoken to a lot of large crowds of people, but the Lord will make that happen, and by faith I've spoken that into existence. More on this in chapter 2. I'm very blessed to have had a Christian mother. She took us children to Sunday School and church about every Sunday. My Sunday School teacher, Amanda Rediger, taught me good teachings from the Holy Bible, as did my mother. The Holy Bible is the most important book in the world. But don't get the wrong Bible. There is a counterfeit bible called "The New World Translation." They've removed things from the Bible, which is forbidden by God in the book of Revelation. I have mostly used the King James Version, but now there's "The New Testament, Hoehn Version," copyright 2012. It uses plainer English than the King James. Although men have been called the authors of various books in the Bible, it was God that inspired those men to write what they wrote. "Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." So then God is actually the author of the Holy Bible. In middle school, I took typewriting class, and learned to type. If I sit down to a typewriter, type a letter, and mail it to my friend, would you then say, "Oh, Fred's typewriter wrote a letter?" That would be incorrect. The typewriter didn't write a letter, I wrote the letter. The typewriter just put what I wrote on the paper. Similarly, men were just the typewriters God used to write the Bible. It has been said that when a baby is born, the baby doesn't come with a handbook on how to raise babies. Wrong. The Bible is that handbook, and a handbook on success, and a handbook on how to solve the problems of life. "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he won't depart from it," the Bible says. The world today has many problems, and those problems will continue to get worse. God has the solution to all our problems, and he's already given us a book of solutions, the Bible. My mother lived to age 99, and then went to heaven. How do I know she went to heaven? Because I know she was born again, according to John chapter 3, and lived for the Lord. "He that does righteousness is righteous." (from 1 Jhn ) My mother made a serious mistake, however, by marrying an unbeliever. "Don't be unequally yoked together with unbelievers." (2 Corinthians 6:14) My Dad was a man who became successful by earthly standards, but he didn't find lasting success. "What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul, or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Who said that? Jesus. Who is Jesus? Jesus is the greatest man who ever walked the face of the earth. He is a co-creator of the universe with God his Father, and of the birds and animals, and of man and woman. But though I've referred to Jesus as a man, he wasn't exactly a man like all other men. He had a man's body, of course, including beard. But every man after Adam had a man as his father. Jesus was born of a virgin, and had no man as his father. The father of Jesus is God. Did God have sex with a woman? No. God's spirit came on the virgin Mary and made her pregnant with Jesus. After the birth of Jesus, Mary lost her virginity to her husband Joseph, and they had at least six children the normal way, boys and girls. The Bible doesn't tell us the names of Jesus' half-sisters, but his half-brothers were James, Joses, Simon, and Judas. (Simon not Peter, and Judas not Iscariot.) Someone might say, "But if Jesus was born 2000 years ago, how could he be co-creator of the universe." Jesus didn't originate 2000 years ago. He was the Son of God before the creation. What happened 2000 years ago is that God sent his Son Jesus down to earth to live like a man, to teach the people, to heal people, and to die for our sins. If you were only able to obtain just part of the Bible, it would be best to get the part that has the words of Jesus. Those words are mostly in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. A red-letter edition of the Bible has the words of Jesus in red ink. You'll see a lot of red ink in a red-letter edition in those four books of the New Testament part of the Bible. Of course you can probably get the whole Bible. I'm just saying Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the most important because they are so full of the words Jesus spoke while on earth. Beside the New Testament, with its 27 books from Matthew to Revelation, there is also the Old Testament, with its 39 books from Genesis to Malachi. So the Bible has 39 plus 27 equals 66 books. But my Dad had a somewhat difficult childhood, growing up as an orphan and living in an orphanage. But things got better for him, and he became financially prosperous. He was a smarter than average guy, and did well on I.Q. tests administered by his employer. Not smart enough though. Not smart enough to fear God. "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." My Dad didn't have the fear of God. Dad said he was an Atheist. What's an Atheist? It's a person who says there's no God. God has something to say about Atheists. God says, "The fool has said in his heart 'There is no God.'" So then God says my Dad was a fool. You don't have to have a high I.Q., just make the choice that you're going to fear God, and what he will do to you if you don't get right with him. Dad died at age 91 and went to hell. How do I know he went to hell? Because hell is the default destination. If you know anything about computers, you know that computers come with default settings. Once you get the computer, you can begin to change some settings from the default settings to your preferences. I had a cell phone that once in a while would go crazy, and not work right. But then I could choose "Restore Factory Settings," and it would return to the default settings. After that, I could choose my preferences. A fiery hell is the default destination for everyone. You have to make other arrangements not to go to hell. If you don't make those other arrangements, then you go to hell. In hell, "There's crying and gnashing of teeth, where their worms don’t die, and where the fire is not quenched," says Jesus. If you go to hell, you won't like it, and there's no getting back out, so you'd better get born again, as in John chapter 3, and as per Romans 10:9,10. And how do we know there's a heaven and a hell? Because Jesus said so during his life on earth, about two thousand years ago. Many, but not all of his words are recorded on paper in the Bible. (Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John.) And how does someone get born again? Step 1: By hearing or reading the gospel message that all of us are sinners, but that we can get our sins forgiven by believing in Jesus, who died on the cross for our sins. Back then they executed criminals by hanging them on a wooden cross until dead. By Jesus was not a criminal. He had done nothing wrong. He died for your sins and mine. Step 2: Believe the gospel message. Step 3: Pray a simple prayer asking Jesus to be your savior. "All that call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." If you do that, he will accept you as one of his, and forgive your sins, and you'll be on the road to heaven. Then what? Then read the Bible, and do what God tells you to do in the Bible. A new Christian ought to start reading the Bible in the New Testament, then the Old Testament. After you become a Christian, Jesus wants you to be baptized in water, and also Jesus has something else he wants you to have called the Baptism with the Holy Ghost with the speaking in unknown tongues. See Acts, chapters 1 & 2, Acts chapter 10, and Acts chapter 19. I know a big name preacher on TV who says the Baptism with the Holy Ghost has been done away with. He's dead wrong. If the Baptism with the Holy Ghost has been done away with, how did I get it when I was about 13 or 14? No, it hasn't been done away with, and he's teaching false doctrine. What is the evidence that a Christian has been baptized with the Holy Ghost? The evidence is that he or she will speak in unknown tongues. That is, they will speak in a language they've never learned. Perhaps you have a lot of education and you know five languages. When Jesus baptizes you with the Holy Ghost (or, Holy Spirit, or Comforter) you'll speak in a language that is none of the five that you've learned. It's an unknown tongue (or, language) because the person speaking it doesn't understand what he is saying. How can a person speak in a language that he doesn't know? Because the Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit gives you words to speak in that language, and then you raise your voice and speak those words aloud. I use the example of a word in a foreign language, kamsahamnida. Do you know that word? Probably most Americans don't know that word. But if you heard me speak the word kamsahamnida, you could repeat it, even without understanding what it meant. In fact, that's how little children learn how to talk. They hear people speaking words, and then they repeat the words. The little child doesn't first read a book about where to position the tongue and lips to make certain sounds, he just tries to make the same sounds he has heard. The word kamsahamnida means "Thank you" in Korean. But my point is, you speak out the words that the Holy Ghost gives you to speak. God doesn't take control of your lips and tongue, and make you talk. He gives you words to speak, and then you use your voice and speak them aloud. And when you speak those words in the unknown tongue, what are you saying? You're praying to God, and worshiping God. In Matthew, Mark, Luke, and in John, John the Baptist says that Jesus is the baptizer with the Holy Ghost. You get it from Jesus. To get it from Jesus, ask him for it. "Ask, and you'll receive." (Matt chapt 7) And remember that Jesus said, "When you pray, believe that you receive the things you ask for, and you shall have them." (Mark chapter 11) But what if you pray, and don't believe? Then you don't receive. You can choose to believe, and you must. You might say, "What do you mean 'You must,' you don't really have the right to make me do something." No, I'm not trying to make you do something, and God won't force you to choose to believe, either. But I can inform you what you need to do. You need to choose to believe because we all need to choose to believe. "Without faith it's impossible to please God, for he that comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him." (Heb. 11:6) Let me give you another scripture, "Kiss the Son, so that he won't be angry, and you perish from the way when his anger is kindled just a little." Who is the Son? Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. (John 3:16) The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. He that fears God shall come forth from them all. This is a book on success. Do you want to stand out from the crowd? Do you want to excel in everything you do? Then choose the fear of God. The first Psalm, Psalm 1 tells you how to prosper in whatever you do. The book of Psalms is about in middle of the Bible. There are very destructive things in the world these days that can ruin people, such as pornography. Jesus said, "He that looks at a woman to lust for her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." Pornography is about lust, and is sin in the sight of God. In First John we read, "Don't love the things of the world...the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life..." I said to a young man, "Pornography kills people." He was already a Christian. He said, "I don't see how pornography kills people." I told him that people who mess with pornography are allowing demons to come into them, and those demons aren't there to do you any good. Jesus said, "The thief doesn't come but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy" (John 10:10) That's what the demons are there to do. So don't let them in. Don't mess with porn or other sins. But I have some good news. Jesus gave us Christians to cast out demons from people. In Luke 10:19, Jesus said, "See, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you." This power over all the power of the enemy is your authority from Jesus to cast out demons. There is an unfortunate use of the word demon in recent years. I've heard the expression, "He was wrestling with his personal demons." The person who said that really meant "He was wrestling with his personal problems." The person who spoke those words probably didn't know much about demons, and maybe didn't even believe in demons. It was a figure of speech. Your English teacher might give you a good grade for using figures of speech, but it doesn't necessarily mean you know anything about demons. So what is a demon? A demon, or devil, is a spirit being and is a fallen angel. When God created angels, He didn't make any bad angels. But Satan was corrupted by reason of his brightness, and wanted to be like God. He wanted to be worshipped. When Satan rebelled against God, some of the angels followed him. They became demons, fallen angels, also called unclean spirits. Demons don't have flesh and blood bodies like people do. They are spirit beings that would like to come and get into you. They find an open door if people commit sins. I mentioned our authority to cast out demons in Luke 10:19. But how does a Christian use that authority to cast out demons? The same way Jesus did. Jesus "cast out the spirits with his word." You speak words out of your mouth commanding them to go, in Jesus' name. But don't do that while wondering if anything's going to happen. If you're wondering, you're not in faith. Look up Luke 10:19 for yourself. Look up Mark chapter 16 where Jesus said that one of the signs that follow believers is casting out demons. When you see that as a Christian, you do have authority from Jesus, begin to use it to cast demons out of people. The Lord wants Christians to do that (Mark chapter 16). Now for a long time, I was a Christian unaware that Christians could have demons. But in my late thirties I met Pastor Win Worley who said, "At our church in Indiana, we cast a lot of demons out of people, and most of the people we cast demons out of are Christians." I said to myself, "What? I never heard that a Christian might have a demon," and I didn't buy it right away just because he said it. But he was right. Christians need to know that it's possible for a Christian to have a demon. Demons who are in people can cause health problems, such as cancer, and mental and emotional problems, like schizophrenia, kleptomania, and many of the mental diseases. That's why it's so hard for Psychiatrists and Psychologists to cure their patients, if those doctors aren't even aware they're dealing with demons. It is likely that in their years of study to get their credentials, demons were not even mentioned in most of their textbooks. Fortunately, there's another textbook that covers the subject, the Holy Bible. Those doctors need to get a copy and study it. They would have a higher cure rate. You know, it looks like people 2,000 years ago might have been smarter than people today, at least in this one area. When Jesus asked the people who were trying to kill him, "Why are you going around trying to kill me?", they answered, "You have a devil, who's trying to kill you?" But these days, they would have said, "You're paranoid, who's trying to kill you," without realizing that the mental disease paranoia is mostly demonic in origin. But people today have various problems. Some have health problems. Older people sometimes have difficulty hearing or seeing. Some people get around in wheelchairs. Or, there are many kinds of health problems. Everyone needs to eat. Food costs money. Some people are short of cash, and have difficulty getting satisfactory nutrition. Not far from where I'm living now, there's a sort of plaza, a grassy area with some trees where homeless people hang around. Are people homeless and poor and sick because that's the will of God for them? No. Jesus said, "I have come so they can have life, and so they can have it more abundantly." (John 10:10) Homeless people are not enjoying abundant life. God doesn't want people to be homeless or poor or sick or demon-possessed. And God has the cure for those problems, and for every other problem. But if the cure is available, then why are there so many with the problems? Well, you see, people have to take the cure. What if someone has a health problem, and it's something that the doctor knows can be cured by a certain medicine, then he writes the prescription. Is the patient cured simply because the doctor wrote a prescription? No. That prescription is of no value unless someone goes and gets the prescription filled at the pharmacy. But now that the afflicted has in his possession the bottle of medicine, does that automatically mean he's cured? No, not if he hasn't yet taken the medicine. What were the instructions given? Two tablets three times a day? The patient could say, "Well, I'm smarter than that doctor, I'll take one tablet every two days." Why go to a doctor if the patient won't follow the doctor's instructions? Am I saying that when people have a health problem, they ought to go see a doctor? No, I'm simply saying that many people are not getting better because they won't take the cure. And the Bible has the cure for everything. However, it is possible, and some people have gotten so far into sin and unbelief that they won't get out of it. (reprobate mind, Romans chapter 1, & Hebrews chapter 6, "impossible to renew to repentance") ("Remember now your creator in the days of your youth, while the evil days don't come, nor the years draw near when you'll say 'I have no pleasure in them' " Ecclesiastes) There is also an unforgivable sin, Jesus said. The unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. Don't ever bad mouth the Holy Ghost (also called the Holy Spirit, and the Comforter.) Chapter 2: Speaking Things Into Existence I mentioned in Chapter 1 about speaking things into existence. What scripture is that based on? In Genesis God said, "Let us make man in our image." We are made in the image of God. The God who spoke the worlds into existence. The God who said, "Let there be light, and the sun came into existence, and the stars, and the moon for light at night. So then you and I also have some power to speak things into existence, since we're made in the image of God. With that in mind, people need to be careful not to speak the wrong things into existence. Don't say, "I'm coming down with a cold." Don't say it, even if you think so. You could get a cold when you wouldn't have, simply because you said you would, and I'm sure that has happened to people. Have you read in Mark chapter 11 where you can move a mountain? Jesus said so. You can command the mountain to go, and it will go, if you believe what you say will happen, and don't doubt in your heart. I agree with the Bible teacher who said, "If you have a problem, that's your mountain. Tell it to go." Of course, your results will be according to your faith. Jesus said, "According to your faith, have what you're believing for." That same Bible teacher was on TV, on the Direct TV GTV channel. He told one evening about a student he had with something wrong with her legs. She could walk with the help of crutches. He told her she needed to command her legs to be well and normal every day. (She was already a Christian.) She started doing what the teacher said to do. Months later, she was shopping her friends. She felt God's power come on her. She threw down the crutches, and walked off with normal legs. God wants to do that for all of his people that have health problems, so do like that young woman did. People have mistakenly said, "Well, if God wants to heal me, he knows where I live." No. Jesus said, "Ask and you'll receive, seek and you'll find, knock and it shall be open to you." (Matt. chapt 7) God wants to see your faith in operation. If the young woman hadn't commanded her legs to be well and normal for those months, then at the end of that time, she'd still have been on crutches. Jesus said you can move a mountain. You move the mountain, whatever the problem is, with spoken words coupled with faith. You command the mountain to go, and believe that what you say will happen, and don't doubt in your heart, Jesus said. (Mark 11:23) But there's more to success than just healing for your body. Perhaps you have financial debt that you need to get out of. If so, that's your mountain. Tell it to go. And tell it to go every day until it's gone, and expect what you say to happen, and don't doubt in your heart. Why am I telling you to do that? Because Jesus said to do that, and Jesus is the greatest teacher there ever was. Now someone said you should command just once, and then stay in faith. O.K., if your faith is up to that level. I've heard it taught both ways. Another Bible teacher said he had something wrong with his knee. He commanded it to be well like a thousand times, probably over several months. And then the problem went away. Anyone who thinks they have a better idea than Jesus is mistaken. If your computer is not performing the way you expected, don't you seek out someone who knows more about computers? For best results, follow the expert. Jesus is the expert. He is the author and finisher of our faith. Some might say, "Yes, I've heard before about faith preachers." But did you know that without faith it's impossible to please God. (Heb 11:6) "The just shall live by his faith." The "just" here means righteous people, the right kind of people. God's people. The Christians. You might achieve a few things without putting much faith to work for you, but long-term you won't find lasting success if you're going to try to get there without faith. Learn to put your faith to work. It's how God wants us to live. I mentioned Win Worley from whom I learned something. He has passed on now. I don't want to say bad things about people, but I believe there's a lesson to be learned from this. Worley apparently tried to do a long fast, and stopped eating, but he was very fat. He put himself in the hospital and then died of medical complications. But I think he need not have died when he did. I believe he could have had years more of ministry. But why didn't he? There is a scripture that says, "Cast out the scorner..." Win Worley, unfortunately was a little scornful of "faith preachers," and felt he was right up there with them, status-wise. And I would say it's true that Worley was something of a pioneer in casting out demons. But the knowledge of the things faith preachers preach, I believe would have kept Worley alive, and brought him back to health if he had known them, and put them into practice. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." (Hosea 4:6) From the book of Hebrews, "Without faith, it's impossible to please God." Someone might ask, "Do I need to please God?" Well, you want to go to heaven, don't you? God is our judge. In school your teachers gave you a grade depending on how well you did. A student can get an "A" for doing very well, or an "F" for doing badly. You might be through with school, but God is scoring you. "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." If you're a God-fearing person, you'll try to please him. But you can't please God if you won't put your faith to work. You have to use faith to become a Christian. You hear the gospel message that Jesus died for our sins. You believe it. You tell God you accept his offer of salvation through Jesus. After doing that, you don't retire your faith. No, you're supposed to keep using faith. I happened to meet a man in Los Angeles. He had been in another religion most of his life, but then became a Christian. He was well off financially, and I heard him say, "I never ask God for anything." I didn't respond to that the first time. But when he said it again later, I said, "Brother, if you're not asking God for anything, you're walking in disobedience. Jesus said, 'Ask and you'll receive.'" (Matt chapt 7) Maybe the man didn't need much from God for himself, but he was a teacher of a Bible class. I'm sure he could have been asking God to help his students understand the Bible, and be prosperous, etc. Also, that man seemed to often have a special shoe on one foot, the kind they give out at the hospital. It would have been good for him to ask the Lord for the healing he needed. I know Jesus said, "Don't judge so you won't be judged." But I'm just using this as an example. If you're already enjoying perfect health, you can be praying and believing, and speaking into existence better prosperity for yourself and your family, and many other things that people need that don't just automatically fall into their laps without their doing something about it. You say, "But I have been doing something about it." Of course you have. And you probably know the Bible tells us to be diligent in business. But are you aware that the Bible also says, "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal..." (2 Cor. 10:4). Yes, God wants you to do a good job at whatever you do, but for success that lasts, speak faith-filled words to go along with your best efforts with your hands. Talk like this: "I call myself expert at what I do. People come to me to ask how to do it and I show them. I'm in great demand for the expertise God helps me to have. Wisdom, you're my sister, understanding you're my kinswoman." Talk like that. Put faith with your words. Quote Gods promises out loud, such as Psalm 1:3 ("whatever he does will prosper") There's a companion book to this book titled, "A Collection of Promises from God for his People from the Bible," by Frederick Hoehn. Those are promises I quote over myself. I quote promises every day. There are so many, I don't get through them all each day. Some today, some tomorrow, etc. You don't necessarily have to have that book--you can compile your own lists from the Bible, as I have done, but every day, quote promises out loud with your mouth from God, for yourself and your family. In doing so, you'll be obeying Joshua 1:8, "This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth (speak it), but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you'll do what it says, for then you'll make your way prosperous, and then, you'll have good success." Here's another promise to be quoted out loud from the Bible, "I'm the head and not the tail, above and not beneath..." from Deuteronomy. Jesus said you can bind and loose. Are you binding and loosing? Perhaps you say, "Do I really need to?" Yes, sir, you do. Yes, ma'am, you do. Let me give you an example. I was walking down the sidewalk and came to an intersection. A picture came to me of getting run over by a car. I said out loud, "I bind this spirit of fear in Jesus name." "I command you to go and don't return." There was an excellent woman servant of the Lord who helped a lot of people. But she had a fear of crossing the street. She should have said, "I bind this fear in Jesus' name. I rebuke you in Jesus' name. Go from me and don't return, in Jesus' name. The Bible says, "Resist the devil, and he'll flee from you," (book of James) Christianity is really the only life. People who don't have Jesus don't have lasting success. The storms of life will come and they'll crash. Jesus said, "If you hear these sayings of mine & do them, you're like a man who built his house on a rock..." You can read all the success books you want, but long-term, it won't work unless you're a partner with God, unless you're a Christian. Jesus said, "Without me, you can do nothing." Let's face that fact and not waste time ignoring that fact. But as you live the Christian life, you have an adversary, the devil. He wants to hold you back. He wants to defeat you. He wants to discourage you. But Jesus gave us binding and loosing. "Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven," Jesus said. You bind and loose with words spoken out of your mouth. But if you won't use binding and loosing, then the enemy has more power to hinder you. No, you have to stop the enemy by saying out loud, "Satan take your hands off my finances, and my health, and my family, and everything that pertains to us, in Jesus' name." Can people go to heaven without doing that? I'm sure some have. God is merciful. Some have just not had that teaching. Maybe they saw about binding and loosing in the Bible, but didn't quite see how it applied to them, or how to perform it. I've been very fortunate to have found some good teachers. One of them is Kenneth E. Hagin. His books are available at Did you know the Bible tells us to "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."? But why with fear and trembling? Doesn't the Bible say that perfect love casts out fear? Yes, but until our love becomes perfect, some fear and trembling will help to overcome the natural human tendency to neglect spiritual matters. And there's another scripture, "Happy is the man that fears always." There is a healthy kind of fear, such as fear of God, and there's an unhealthy kind of fear, such as fear that bad things are going to happen to us. That kind of fear is from the enemy, and is to be resisted. And the enemy wants to push us in the direction of neglecting Bible study and prayer and the things God tells us to do in the Bible. But we're told to "Resist the devil and he will flee from you." (Jas ) But what if we don't resist him. Then he'll hang around and try to see how much damage he can do. Some might be tempted to say it's a lot of work to be a Christian. No, Jesus said, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." Long-term, it's harder to be a sinner than to be a Christian, and their benefits are not nearly as good. And at the end, they go to hell, and we go to heaven. Their storms will come and they'll crash. The storms come to us, and we survive the storms. Unfortunately, some Christians are not using weapons available to them. Haven't you seen about weapons we have in Ephesians chapter 6. AND "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal..." 13 So, take to yourselves the whole armor of God, so you'll be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins clothed with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 And for shoes, the preparation of the gospel of peace, 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, with which you'll be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and staying awake regarding that with all perseverance and supplication for all saints, In Ephesians chapter 6, Paul the Apostle is comparing our Christian life to that of a soldier, because we are, in fact, involved in spiritual warfare whether we realize it or not. It would be hard to find a better teacher than the Apostle Paul. But I do know of one, and that's the Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. I was in the U.S. military myself. You go to boot camp. They issue you items of clothing, and boots, and things you'll need. No soldier in his right mind would go out to battle barefoot. The boots that were issued to him protect his feet. He could become wounded without taking a bullet merely because he stepped on some glass, or a sharp rock, and get himself court-martialed for wrongfully endangering himself. Nor does he go out to war leaving his rifle back in the barracks. Yet some Christians go to war lacking one or more pieces of their armor. If your level of success is not all that you hoped for, check up on your weapons that you've been using. Are you missing any weapons available to you? "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God," Jesus said. Is there a part of the Bible you've been neglecting? Jesus gave us binding and loosing. If we're smart we will submit to Jesus and do the binding and loosing as a matter of normal Christian living. Not to do so would be displeasing to God, and God knows how to spank his people if they need a spanking. Personally, I'd like to avoid God spanking me. Look again at this scripture from the Old Testament, in Joshua 1:8. God is talking to Joshua, the new leader of Israel after the death of Moses, the man of God. "This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth..." That means we're supposed to be speaking the word of God. If it looks a lot like you're not very prosperous, you speak to the situation like this, "Praise God, whatever I do prospers"(Ps 1:3) "The blessing of Abraham is on me, whom God made rich." (Gal chapter 3) Just keep on speaking the word of God today, and tomorrow, and every day remaining to you during your life on earth. You'll be blessed and prosperous and healthy. I heard a teacher also tell how the Lord spoke to him words like this: "If there's anyone out there with anything wrong with their bodies, they're not worshipping me enough." Yes, I believe Jesus said that. You'll find words of worship and praise in the book of Psalms, in the Old Testament. God wants us to speak out of our mouths the words he has put in the Bible for our benefit so that we can obtain the blessings he has promised. I was not taught this as a young Christian. But, thank God, I finally did find the teaching that "The just shall live by his faith" and that one way that we are supposed to be doing that, as a normal, natural part of living our lives, is to quote out of our mouths the promises of God from the Bible, in response to situations we encounter in living our lives. I was in the lobby of the building I live in, and a man came in and started talking about people losing their benefits. I answered him, "The Lord's not going to let that happen to me." That was my faith speaking. If the rent or mortgage payment is coming due, and it looks like there might not be enough money, YOU DON'T SAY, "We'll never make it." No, that's what the enemy wanted you to say so that you would speak into existence the wrong thing. INSTEAD, YOU SAY, "My God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." (Phil 4:19) You say that, you put your faith with your words, you don't doubt in your heart. You put your trust in the Lord. Kenneth E. Hagin used to say: God's word says it. I believe it. That settles it. The Bible says to "Rest in the Lord" Smith Wigglesworth was an important man of God. He said sometimes we must voice things to make them happen. Wigglesworth helped a lot of people. I'm sure he has a very good name in heaven. But I would say it even stronger, We should be like God, binding and loosing, and speaking things into existence just pretty much all the time, as normal, natural part of living our lives. Of course, we are also told in Thessalonians to pray without ceasing. But I think most Christians already know they're supposed to pray. But many have not been told to put Joshua 1:8 to work and speak God's promises. Doing so will strengthen your faith, and without faith we can't please God.(Heb 11:6) Here is another way to build up yourself on your most holy faith: "but ye, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost..." (Jude vs. 20) How do you pray in the Holy Ghost? First, you must be a Christian. Then, you must have received from the Lord Jesus the baptism with the Holy Ghost. Then, you pray in unknown tongues, which is available to you all the time, after you've been baptized with the Holy Ghost. "The spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet." Paul says, "I will pray with the understanding, I will pray in the spirit, I will sing with the understanding, I will sing in the spirit." When Paul says he will do that, it means we should, too. "Be followers of me, as I also am of Christ." (1 Cor 11:1) God says in his book, "See, I set before you life and death. Choose life." I choose life. I believe most of my readers will, too. Father in heaven, please make it so, in Jesus' name. Amen. I bind all powers of the enemy that would hinder that, in Jesus' name. I loose ministering spirits to cause it to happen, in Jesus' name. I have lived more than six decades. I've heard many teachers and preachers. There is no better way than what I'm telling you in this book. This book describes a way of living that is what God wants for his people. Don't resist God. Get with the program. You'll achieve things you never thought possible by quoting out loud promises from the Bible every day, in addition, of course to your prayer life. Another Bible said the Lord told him, "I've told my people they can have what they say, but instead, they are saying what they have." Jesus wants us to STOP SAYING WHAT WE HAVE & START SAYING HOW IT NEEDS TO BE. In other words, "Calling those thing that are not as though they were." (as though they are) Don't gripe about how it is, speak into existence how you need it to be, and then just stay in faith; rest in faith. The children of Israel got into a lot of trouble for griping and moaning and complaining and grumbling. That's saying what you have. No, you're supposed to speak into existence how it needs to be for yourself and your family, my friend. (But first, make sure you're a Christian.) And what is praying? The Bible says, "Pour out your heart to God." It means with words spoken as prayer. Talk to the Lord as you would your best friend, since in fact, He is your best friend. "There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother." The Bible says we should lift up holy hands without anger or doubting. Aproach God in prayer, respectfully. Give him the honor due his name. The daily confessing of God's promises strengthens your faith that you'll need when it's time to move a mountain, and when it's time to speak something into existence that you or your family needs. Jesus said, "I have come so they can have life, and so they can have it more abundantly." (John 10:10) You get there by speaking God's word and by using your faith. Be always ready to give an answer to everyone who asks a reason of the hope that is in you. The Lord bless you. HEALING & HEALTH Abraham didn't consider his own body & didn't stagger at G's promise, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God, & was fully persuaded. Rom 4:19-22 All grace abounds toward me. 2 Cor 9:8 And a time 2 heal. Eccl 3:3 And he healed him. Matt 12:22 And he healed them. Matt 4:24 And he healed them. Matt 15:30 And he healed them. Matt 21:14 And he healed them all. Matt 12:15 And he healed them there. Matt 19:2 And he healed their sick. Matt 14:14 And he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them. Lk 4:40 And he, leaping up, stood & walked. Acts 3:8 And healed all that were sick. Matt 8:16 And healed many that were sick of various diseases. Mk 1:34 And healed the child & returned him to his father. Lk 9:42 And healed those who had need of healing. Lk 9:11 And immediately, the man was made well. Jhn 5:9 And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame is turned out of the way, but let it rather be healed. Heb 12:12,13 And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. Rev 22:2 And the L listened to Hezekiah & healed the people. 2 Chr 30:20 And the power of the L was present to heal them. Lk 5:17 And they were healed. Lk 6:18 As my days, so is my strength. Each day I get older & stronger. Deut 33:25 As one of his beloved, the L gives me sleep & I have no sleep disorders. As one of his people, called by his name, I humble myself & pray & seek his face. The L hears from heaven & forgives my sins & heals me. 2 Chr 7:1 As they went, they were cleansed. Lk 17:14 But to you that fear my name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings. Mal 4:2 By Jesus’ stripes I was healed. 'Cause I was, I am. 1 Pet 2:24 Isa. 53:4,5 By stretching forth your hand to heal. Acts 4:30 'cause G says I'll have, I have. 'cause G says I was healed, I am, including financially. 1 Pet 2:24 'cause I fear the L's name, the Sun of righteousness arises with healing in his wings, & I go 4th as a calf of the stall. Mal. 4:2 'Cause I have a merry heart, I have a continual feast & it does me good like a medicine. Pr 17:22 Faith moves tree. Luke 17:3-6 Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Heb 11:1 Faith works by love 1 Cor ch 13, Gal 5:6 Faith wrks by love ,so I walk in lv 2 pls L. Gal 5:6 For he had healed many. Mk 3:10 For she said, "If I can just touch the hem of his garment, I'll be healed."..and immediately she was healed...and he said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well." Mk 5:28-34 For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. Rom 8:2 God has dealt to every man the measure of faith Rom 12:3 God healed Abimelech and his wife. Gen 20:17 God sent his word and healed me. Ps 107:20 God upholds all things by the word of his pwr. Heb 1:3 God wants me well, and is the Lord who heals me. Ex 15:26 God watches over his word to perform it. Jer 1:12 God has called me to glory and virtue. 2 Pet God's healing power has been ministered to me by the laying on of hands and is now working in me to cause complete healing for all of my body and I shall recover 100% God's spirit gives life to my mortal body. Rom 8:11 God's spirit quickens my mortal body. Rom 8:11 God's word heals me. Ps. 107:20 God's word is health to my flesh. Prov 4:22 God's word is life to me who finds it, and health to all my flesh. Prov. 4:22 God's word is life and health to me. Prov 4:22 Have faith in God. Have the God kind of faith. Mrk 11:22,23 He has torn and he will heal us. Hos 6:1 He opens his hand and satisfies the desire of every living thing. Psalms He prayed and laid his hands on him and healed him. Acts 28:8 He preached the gospel and healed everywhere. Lk 9:6 He shall B entreated by them and shall heal them. Isa 19:22 He took him and healed him and let him go. Lk 14:4 He touched his ear and healed him. Lk 22:51 He that raised Christ from the dead quickens my mortal body by his spirit that lives in me. Rom 8:11 Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed. Jer 17:14 Wash me & I'll B whiter than snow. Healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease. Matt 4:23 Healing all that were oppressed by the devil. Acts 10:38 Healing belongs to me under both covenants and I believe that I receive healing for everything I could have used healing for. Healing every sickness and every disease. Matt 9:35 Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. Matt. 8:16,17, Isa chapt. 53 His servant was healed in the same hour. Matt 8:13 Hold tightly to your confession. Heb 10:23 I ask and receive Jhn 16:23,24 I attend to God’s words. It’s healing for all my flesh. Prov 4:20-22 I believe that what I say shall happen. Mk 11:23 I boldly confess I have financial prosperity & perfect health, body, soul, and spirit, and the mountain of debt is gone. I have a full complement of perfect teeth, abundance of all things and lack of nothing. I call the things that are not as though they were. Rom 4:17 I delight myself in the Lord and he gives me the desires of my heart. Ps 37:4 I don't get sick. Ex 15:26 I don't lose any hairs. I Pet 2:24 I draw water with joy from the wells of salvation. Isa 12:3 I forbid sickness and disease in my body, in Jesus' name. I have abundance of life, so no sickness. Jhn 10:10 Jhn 6:63 I have confidence toward God. 1 John 3:20,21 I have faith to be healed. Acts 14:9 I have like precious faith. 2 Pet 1:1 I have length of days and long life and peace and abundance of all things. Prov. 21:4, 3:2, Ex. 15:26, Ps.23:1 I have perfect eyesight. I have that tree of life. I labor, so my sleep is sweet. I live by faith, not by sight. Heb 10:38, 2 Cor 5:7 I look at the things not seen. 2 Cor 4:18 I prosper and am in health and my soul prospers. 3 Jhn 2 I speak from my mouth the abundance of faith in my heart. I stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Ex 14:13 I understand the loving kindness of the Lord. Psa 119:45 I wound & I heal. I'll live and not die until God's time. Gen 42:2, 47:19 I'll never die from any disease, but like Smith Wigglesworth, or be raptured. Ex. 15.26 I'll not die, but live. Ps 118:17 I'm an heir of God. I'm one of God's inheritors. I'm mighty in the word, which is healing to my flesh. I'm not afraid, I only believe. Mark 5:36 I'm not moved by what I see or feel, but by what I believe. I'm redeemed from all my sins. I'm redeemed from the curse of the law. Gal 3:13, Deut 28:61 I'm with other Christians and we pray for each other and get healed. Matt. 18:19 Jas 5:16 It's unto me according to my faith, so I'm healed. Matt. 9:29 Jesus already got my healing for me. It's bought and paid for and I have it now. Jesus is the author and finisher of my faith. Heb 12:2 Jesus bore my sickness Isa 53:4 Jesus bore our sicknesses and diseases in his own body on tree. Isa 53:4 so we can live in Righteousness. See 1 Pet 2:24 Jesus carried our sins in his own body on the tree, by whose stripes I was healed, and 'cause I was, I am. 1 Pet 2:24 Jesus healed great multitudes, and he does it for me. Matt. 5:30,31 I'm wise & my tongue is health. Prov 12:18 In the name of Jesus, I plead the blood. Jesus took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses, so I'm not sick. Matt 8:17, Isa 53: Jesus went around doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil, and he does it for me. Acts 10:38 Jesus went around teaching, preaching, and healing every sickness and every disease, and he does it for me. Matt. 9:35 Lord, if you will, you can heal me. The L wills and I'm healed. Lk 5:12,13 Lord takes sickness away from me. Ex 23:25 Lord wounds and he heals, and he has now healed me. Deut 32:39 Mercy surrounds me 'cause I trust in the Lord. Ps 32:10 My desires are granted 'cause I'm righteous by the blood of Jesus. Prov 10:24 My faith grows exceedingly. 2 Thes. 1:3 My faith is giving substance to the things I hope for. Heb 11:1 My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He won't allow my feet to be moved: he that keeps me will not sleep. Psa 121:3 My joy is full. Mk 11:24 My light breaks forth as the morning and my health springs forth speedily. Isa. 58:8 My sound heart is the life of my flesh. Prov 14:30 My spirit sustains my infirmities and I'm healed from God. Prov 18:14 My tongue is health. Prov 12:18 My words are sweet to my soul. Prov 16:24 My youth renewed like eagle's Ps 103:2-5 O Lord, heal me. Ps 6:2 O Lord, heal me and I shall be healed; wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Jer 17:14, Ps 51:7 Others...came and were healed. Acts 28:9 Quicken me according to your word. Ps 119:25 Pleasant words are health to my soul. Prov 16:24 Quicken me, O Lord, according to your loving kindnesses. Say in a word and my servant shall be healed. I have not found such great faith, no, not in Israel. She was healed. Lk 13:13 She was healed immediately. Lk 8:47 Speak the word only and my servant shall be healed. The Lord speaks the word and I'm healed. Matt 8:8-10 The desire of the righteous shall be granted. The life of God is manifested in my mortal body. The Lord comes and heals me. Ps. 6:2 The Lord delivers me out of all my troubles 'cause I'm righteous by the blood of Jesus. The Lord has done great things for me. The Lord is the Lord who heals me, body, soul, and spirit. Ex 15:26 I have a full set of perfect teeth The Lord restores health to me and heals my wounds. Jer. 30:17 The Lord satisfies me with long life and abundance of all things. Ps 91:16 The Lord takes sickness away from me. Ex. 23:25, 'cause I walk in love. a revelation to K.E. Hagin. The Lord will come and heal me. Matt 8:7 The Lord will make all my bed in my sickness. The Lord wounds and he heals. Deut 32:39 The man was more than forty years old on whom this miracle of healing was shown. Acts 4:22 The Lord fulfills the number of my days. The servant was healed. Lk 7:7-10 The spirit helps our infirmities. Rom 8:26 or so The spirit makes alive. Jesus’ words are spirit and life. Jhn 6:63 The years of my life shall be many. Then shall my light break forth as the morning and my health shall spring forth speedily. Isa 58:8 They were healed every one. Acts 5:16 Though I get old, my eyes don't dim, nor does my natural force decrease. Deut. 34.7 Jas 5:13 Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms. Jas 5:14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: Jas 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he has committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. LEADING & GUIDANCE All things work together for good for me 'cause I love God. Rom 8:28 As a son of God, I'm led by the Holy Spirit of God. As 1 of his sheep, I know the L's voice. I don't follow a stranger's voice, 'cause I don't know the voice of strangers. Jhn 10:3,4 'Cause I draw near to God, he draws near to me. 'Cause I love the L, the Father and Son come to me and live with with me. 'Cause I seek the L, I find him. Matt 7:7-11 'cause I'm just, my path is like the shining light that shines more and more until the perfect day, For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we shall see light. Ps 36:9 For your name's sake, lead me and guide me. Psalms God's Holy Spirit leads me into all truth. God's spirit bears witness with our spirit. Rom 8:16 God's spirit works mightily in me. He delights in my way. He establishes my goings. He guides me w his eye. I discern spiritually. 1 Cor 2:13,14 I don't seek my own will, but the Father's. I don't quench G's Holy Spirit. I have ears & I hear G's Holy Spirit. Revelation I have the mind of Christ. 1 Cor 2:16 I know the Lord's voice. Jhn 10:24 I order my conversation right & the L shows me his salvation. Ps I present my body a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to G, which is my reasonable service. I'm not conformed to this world, but transformed by renewing of my mind and I find out what is the good & acceptable & perfect will of God. Rom 12:1,2 I rest in the L and wait patiently for him. I don't fret. Ps 37:7 I seek the L's face. I seek the L w my whole heart. I engage my heart to approach the L. I trust in the L & wait patiently for him. I trust in the Lord with all my heart and don't lean to my own understanding. In all my ways I acknowledge him and he directs my paths. Prov 3:5,6 I wait for God’s advice. Psalms I wait on the Lord and keep his way, he exalts me to inherit the land and I see the wicked cut off. Ps 37:34 I work out my own salvation with fear and trembling Phil 2:12 I'm a habitation of God. Eph 2:22 I'm filled w the knowledge of God's will. Col 1:9, Psalms I'm filled w the wisdom of God & guided by his spirit. Jhn 16:13 I'm led by God's Holy Spirit. Rom 8:14-17 In thy light shall we see light. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Heb 13:8 Jesus is in me & I in him. Jhn 14:20 Jesus is with me always, even to the end of the world. Matt 28:20 The Lord instructs me and teaches me in the way that I should go and guides me with his eye. My faith pleases God and he rewards my seeking him. Heb 11:6 My friend Jesus sticks closer than a brother. Prov 18:24 My memory of you shall be sweet. My heart devises my way, but the Lord directs my steps. Prov. 16:9 My heart is in the hand of the Lord. As the rivers of water, he turns it wherever he wants. Pr 21:5 My heart rejoices and I seek the L. Ps 104 My mind renewed. Eph 4:23 My path is like the shining light that shines more and more until the perfect day. My steps R ordered by the Lord and he delights in my way. Ps 37:23 My times are in your hand. None of my steps shall slide. The Comforter lives in me. Jhn 14:16 The entrance of God's word gives light. Ps 119:130, Pet 1:3, or so The Holy Spirit guides me into all truth. Jhn 16:13 The Lord doesn't forsake me 'cause I seek him. Ps 9:10 The Lord establishes my goings. The Lord guides me w his counsel & afterward receives me to glory. Ps 73:24 The Lord guides me w his eye, and afterword receives me to glory. The Lord instructs me and teaches me in the way that I should go. Isa 48:17 The Lord is my life Deut 30, or so The Lord is near me 'cause I call on Him in truth. Ps 145:18 The Lord is with me while I am with him. 'Cause I seek him I find him. 2 Cor 15:2 The Lord keeps my heart 'cause I'm a King. Prov 21:1 The Lord keeps the heart of King Fred. The Lord lays up sound wisdom for me 'cause I'm righteous. Proverbs The Lord leads me beside the still waters. Ps 23 The Lord makes my way straight B4 me. The Lord shows me everything. The Lord shows me the path of life. Ps 16:11 The Lord shows me "This is the way, walk ye in it." The Lord teaches me to profit and leads me. Isa 48:17 The path of Fred is like the shining light that shines more and more until the perfect day. Prov 4:18 The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly. Prov 20:27 The spirit searches the deep things. 2 Cor 2:9,10 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delights in my way. Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint. Isa 40:31 You guide me with your advice and afterward receive me to glory. Psalms You'll light my candle & illuminate my darkness. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Ps 119 You're my guide, Lord, until death. OVERCOMING All my problems are plucked up roots & all & thrown into the sea. Mrk 11:23 And Fred encouraged himself in the Lord. As my Father in heaven is perfect, so am I. Matt 5:48 Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me: O Lord, make haste to help me. Ps 40:13 'cause I commit my works to the Lord, my thoughts are established. Prov 16:3 'cause I fear God, I come forth from them all. Isa 46:10 'cause I order my conversation right, the Lord shows me his salvation. 'Cause I'm born of God, I overcome the world. 1 Jhn 5:4 'Cause I'm just, I come out of trouble. 'Cause I'm wise, wisdom strengthens me. Faith comes by hearing & hearing by the word of God. Rom 10:17 For sin shall not have dominion over me. Rom 6:14 God always causes me to triumph in Christ. 2 Cor 2:14 God bruises Satan under my feet. Rom 16:20 God delivers me fr the power of darkness & translates me into the kingdom of his dear son. Col 1:13 God has given me all things that pertain to life & godliness. God is my defense & the God of my mercy. God makes us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Eph 2:6 God's anointing on me has broken my yokes. Greater is he that is in me, than he that is in the world. 1 Jhn 4:4 Having done all, I stand. Eph 6:13,14 He that does righteousness is righteous. He that has begun a gd work in me will perfect it. Holiness to the L. Holiness w/out which no man shall see the Lord. I abstain from fleshly lusts that war against the soul. I arm myself with Jesus’ words 1 Pet 4:1, Isa 53:5 I avoid the appearance of evil. Thess. I bless & don't curse. Matt 5:44, Lk 6:28 I boldly confess I'm an overcomer of temptation. I bridle my tongue & control the whole body. Jas I bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2 Cor 10:5 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13 I commit my works to the Lord, so my thoughts are established. Prov I continue on to know the Lord. I control the tongue and the whole body. Jas 3:2 I count it all joy if I fall into divers temptations. Jas 1:2 I delight in the word of God. Psa. 37 I command my mountains to go and they go. Mrk 11:23 I do my promises & confessions daily. I don't blaspheme or grumble or murmur or complain or gripe. I don't get discouraged. I don't give heed to seducing spirits. 1 Tim 4:1 I don't give place to the devil. Eph 4:27 I don't grieve God's holy spirit. Eph 4:30 I don't judge so I won't be judged. I don't still live in unbelief. I don't turn again to folly. Jer I don't yield to sin, but to God. Rom 6:13 I encourage myself in the Lord. 1 Sam 30:6 I endure to the end. I fight the good fight of faith. I lay hold on eternal life. 1 Tim 6:12 I flee youthful lusts. I forget the things that are behind and reach forth to the things that are ahead, pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God. Phil 3:13,14 I forgive everyone of everything. Matt 6:14,15 Mrk 11:25 I give diligence to make my calling & election sure. I go from strength to strength. I go from victory to victory. I hate sin, as one who loves the Lord. I have a good resurrection I have dominion over everything. Gen 1:28 I humble myself and become obedient like Jesus. I hunger and thirst for righteousness and am filled. I keep God's word always before me. I keep my mouth, so I keep my life. Prov 13:3 I keep myself in the fear of God all day long. Prov 23:17 I keep myself from idols. I Jhn? I keep myself unspotted from the world. Jas I keep the flesh under subjection. 1 Cor 9:27, 11:1 I lay hold on eternal life. I hold fast to wisdom. She is my life. I hold the mystery of faith with a pure conscience. 1 Tim 3:9 I hold tightly to confessing the same things. I hold tightly to my profession of faith without wavering. Heb 4:14, 10:23 I humble myself like a little child. I keep my heart w all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. Prov 4:23 I live by my faith. Rom 1:17, Hab. 2:4 I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Gal 2:20 I live something like fasted life. I love the Lord and hate evil. I make my calling and election sure. I make use of the washing of water by the word. I obtain joy & gladness. Sorrow & sighing flee away. Isa 35:10 I overcome by the blood of lamb & by word of my testimony. Rev 12:11 I overcome evil with good. Rom 12:21 I patiently continue in well-doing. I put my trust in the Lord: how say ye to my soul flee like a bird to your mountain? Ps 11:1 I quench the fiery darts of the enemy with my faith. Eph 6:16 I reckon myself dead indeed to sin, but alive to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Rom 6:11 I resist the devil and he flees from me. Jas 4:7 I reign in life by Jesus Christ. Rom 5:17 I reign with the Lord Jesus. I rejoice 'cause my name's written in Lamb's Book of Life. I set my heart right and my spirit is steadfast with God. I shout for joy and am glad 'cause I favor God's righteous cause. I sit with Jesus in heavenly places. Eph 2:1-6 I stay away from the things that drown men in destruction and perdition. I stay away from the things whose end is death. I stay in faith and I keep the switch of faith turned on. Jas 1:6 I submit myself to God and resist the devil. Jas 4:7 I think on what is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report. If there's any virtue or praise, I think on those things. Phil 4:8 I walk in love to please the Lord. I watch and pray so I have no temptation. Matt 26:41 If any man doesn't offend in word, the same is a perfect man and is able to control the whole body. James I'm an overcomer and I stay away from what's wrong. Rev chapt. 2 & 3 I'm careful to maintain good works. I'm complete in the Lord Jesus. I'm crucified with Christ. Christ lives in me. I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. Gal 2:20 I'm dead to sin and alive to righteousness. Col 1:21,22 I'm delivered from the power and authority of darkness & translated into the Kingdom of his dear son. 2 Cor 10:3-5, Col 1:13 I'm faithful until death. I'm happy 'cause I find wisdom & get understanding. Prov I'm made righteous by the blood of Jesus. I'm more than a conqueror through him that loved us. Rom 8:37 I'm not of those who draw back to perdition. I'm not overcome by evil. I overcome evil with good. Rom 12:21 I'm one of those just men made perfect. Heb 12:23 I'm perfect like my Father in heaven. Matt 5:48 I'm pure in heart, so I see God. I'm sealed until the day of redemption. I'm strengthened w might by his spirit in the inner man. I'm strong. Joel 3:10 I'm strong, for it is written, "Let the weak say I'm strong." I'm strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Eph 6:10 I'm washed in water by the word. In Christ, I can stand in the Father's presence as though I'd never sinned. In Christ, I've overcome the devil. I've made a covenant with my eyes. Job In my patience I possess my soul. Lk 21:19 I've hidden your word in my heart so I won't sin against you. Psalms I've set to my seal that God is true. I'll not be ashamed nor confounded, world without end. Isa 45:17, and Joel I'll walk with the Lord in white. He helps me to qualify. Rev 3:4 I'm a new creature in Christ Jesus, old things have passed away, see, all things have become new. 2 Cor 5:17 I'm God's workmanship. Eph 2:10 Jesus destroyed the works of the devil. Jhn 3:8, Heb 2:14 Jesus has delivered me from the power of darkness. Col 1:13 Jesus is my wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. 1 Cor 1:30 Joy comes in the morning. Keep back your servant from presumptuous sins. The Lord brings forth my righteousness as the light and my justice as the noonday. Ps 37:6 The Lord gives me deliverance from all my troubles. The Lord redeems my life from destruction and crowns me with loving kindness and tender mercies. Ps 91:16 The Lord will perfect that which concerns me. My affliction is light and works for me a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. 1 Cor 6:19 My eye is single. I'm not of double heart. My faith in God works. My faith overcomes the world. 1 Jhn 5:1-4 My heart is right with God and I'm steadfast in his covenant. My warfare is accomplished. My way is made plain 'cause I'm Righteous. Prov No temptation has taken me but such as is common to man. God won't allow me to be tempted above my ability. 1 Cor 10:13 Sin shall not have dominion over me. Rom 6:14 Thank you, Father, for the washing of water by the word. The battle is the Lord's. 1 Sam 17:47 The carnal mind is enmity against God. Rom 8:7 The greater one is in me. 1 Jhn 4:4 The joy of the Lord is my strength. Neh 8:10 The law of my God is in my heart; none of my steps shall slide. Ps 37:31 The Lord carries me and bears me and gives me deliverance. Isa 46:4 The Lord brings forth my righteousness as the light and my justice as the noonday. Ps 37:6 The L delivers me out of all temptations. 1 Cor 10:13, 2 Pet 2:9 The Lord delivers me out of all trouble. The Lord establishes, strengthens, settles me. The Lord feeds me with butter and honey and I know to choose the good and hate evil and I do so. The Lord girds me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like hinds' feet and sets me on my high places. Ps 18:32,33 The Lord girds me w strength for the battle. He establishes my goings. The Lord gives me joy. The Lord gives me songs in the night. Ps The L gives me the victory. The Lord gives me understanding & I shall live. Ps 119 The Lord has brought me out of my distresses. Ps 107:28 The Lord has done great things for me. The Lord has established me. The Lord has seen my ways and healed me; he leads me also and restores comforts to me and to my mourners. Isa. 57:18 The Lord has set before me life and death. I choose life. The Lord has turned for me my mourning into dancing. Ps The Lord increases my wisdom liberally and doesn't upbraid. The Lord is my light and my salvation. I don't fear. The Lord is the strength of my life. Ps 27:1 The Lord is my strength in time of trouble. Ps 37:39 The Lord is the fountain of living waters. Isa The Lord is the strength of my life and my portion forever. The Lord redeems my life from destruction. The Lord restores to me the joy of his salvation. He upholds me with his free spirit. Ps 51:12 The Lord revives me again. The Lord sets a watch before my mouth; he keeps the door of my lips. Ps 141:3 The Lord speaks peace to me and I don't turn again to folly. The Lord will perfect that which concerns me. Ps 138:8 The Lord will see to it. The name of the Lord is a strong tower. I run into it and am safe. Prov 18:10 The spirit quickens me and Jesus’ words are life. Jhn 6:63 There is not in me an evil heart of unbelief. Heb 3:12 Through the spirit, I mortify the deeds of the body and live. Rom 8:13 We are not ignorant of his devices. Whatever is born of God overcomes the world. When I exercise my faith in God, I receive the results promised in the word. PRAYER Before I call, the Lord answers. 'Cause I abide in the Lord and his words abide in me, I ask whatever I want and get it. Jhn 15:7,8 'Cause I ask according to his will, he hears me, so I have what I asked for. 1 John 'Cause I ask, I receive; cause I seek, I find; ‘cause I knock, it's opened to me. Matt 7:7-11 'cause I believe I receive, I get what I pray for. Mark 11:24 Cleanse me from secret faults. Command deliverances for Fred. Create in me a clean heart, O God; & renew a right spirit within me. Ps 51:10 Bring me out of my distresses. Ps Fathr, please help me to be counted worthy to escape all those things that are coming on the earth and to stand before the Son of man. For your name's sake, pardon my sin. Greater is he that is in me, than he that is in the world. (1 Jhn 4:4) He doesn't forget my cry 'cause I'm humble. Ps 9:12 He hears me and I have it. 1 Jhn 5:15 He inclines to me and hears my cry. Hear the voice of my supplications. Hide me under the shadow of your wings. Ps I abide in Jesus, and his words abide in me, so I ask what I will and it's done to me. Jhn 15:7 I pray without ceasing. 1 Thes. 5:17 I believe that I receive what I ask for in prayer, so I get it. Mk 11:24, Matt 21:22 I call on God and the L saves me. I call on the Lord and he delivers me in the day of trouble. Ps 50:15 I call on you, Lord, in this day of trouble to give me deliverance from all my problems. I call to the Lord and he answers me and shows me great and mighty things that I don't know. I build up myself on my most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost. Jude 20 I enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise. I humble myself and pray and seek the Lord's face. The L hears from heaven and forgives sins and heals. 2 Chron 7:14 I keep God's word always before me. I make my requests known with thanksgiving. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love you. Ps 122:6 I pray without ceasing. 1 Thes 5:17 I smite my chest and say, O God, be merciful to me, a sinner. I turn to the Lord with all my heart and with fasting. I tear my heart, not my garment, for he is gracious for merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repents of the evil. I will give thanks to you, O Lord. I'm the righteousness of God in Christ. 2 Cor 5:21, so my prayers avail much. Jas 5:16 It is time for you, Lord, to work. Jesus does whatever I ask in his name. Jhn 14:13 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer. Ps 19:14 Lord Jesus, receive my kisses and don't be angry with me. Lord, please let me find grace in you sight. The Lord's prayer. O Lord, I beseech you, send now prosperity. Ps 118:25 O L, make no tarrying. (Don't delay) O spare me so that I'll recover strength before I go from here and be no more. Open my eyes to see wondrous things out of your word. With prayer and supplication let your requests be made with thanksgiving. Phil 4:6 Redeem me out of all my troubles. Restore to me the joy of your salvation. Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Ps 141:3 Thank you Father for a short work on earth. Thank you, Lord, that you're angry with the wicked every day. The L doesn't forget my cry 'cause I'm humble. Ps 9:12 The L fulfills all my petitions. The L has heard me. Ps 6:9 The L has heard me out of his holy hill. The L has heard my prayers and has not turned his mercy away from me. The Lord hears my desire 'cause I'm humble. Ps 10:17 Your kingdom come. Matt 6: When you pray, forgive. Mrk 11:25 Without you, L. Jesus, I can do nothing. You're my help & my deliverer. Make no tarrying, O my God. PROSPERITY. Abraham believed in hope. Rom 4:18 All things work together for good for me 'cause I love G. Rom 8:28 Because I'm meek, I delight myself in the abundance of peace. Ps 37:11 I inherit all things. Rev 21:7 Behold, I continue on to know the L. Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads me with benefits. Blessed are the peacemakers, and I’m one of them. By my words I'm justified. Matt 12:37 'Cause I fear God, I come forth from them all. 'Cause I give, it's given to me, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, do men give into my bosom. Luke 6:38 'Cause I have a merry heart, I have a continual feast. 'Cause I plant abundantly, I harvest abundantly. 2 Cor 9:6 'Cause I prepare my ways before the Lord, God makes me to prosper. 'Cause I prepare my ways before the Lord, I Become mighty. 2 Chron 'Cause I put my trust in the Lord, I possess the land and inherit His holy mountain. Isa 57:13 'Cause I reap, I receive wages. 'cause I seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, all good things are added to me. Matt 6:33 'Cause I seek the Lord, he makes me to prosper. 2 Chron 26:5 'Cause I seek the Lord, I don't want any good thing. Ps 34:10 'Cause I seek the Lord, I understand all thngs. 'Cause I till my land, I have plenty of bread. Prov 'Cause I wait on the Lord, I inherit the earth. Ps 37:9 'Cause I walk with wise men, I'm wise. Prov 13:20 'Cause I'm a liberal soul, I'm made fat, and 'cause I water, I'm watered also myself. Prov 11:25 'Cause I'm diligent, I bear rule. Prov 12:24 'Cause I'm diligent in my business, I stand before kings, not before unimportant men. Prov 22:29 'Cause I'm diligent, my hands make me rich. Prov 'Cause I'm diligent, my thots tend only 2 plenteousness. Prov 21:5 'Cause I'm just, my path is like the shining light that shines more & more until the perfect day, 'Cause I'm meek, I inherit the earth & delight myself in the abundance of peace. Ps 37:11 I inherit all things. Rev 21:7 'Cause I'm merciful, God shows mercy to me. Ps 18:25 'Cause I'm one of those just, I live by my faith. Rom 1:17 'Cause I'm prudent, I deal w. knowledge. Prov 13:16 'Cause I'm prudent, I look well to my goings. 'Cause I'm righteous, I eat & am satisfied. 'Cause I'm righteous, I have good things in possession. 'Cause I'm righteous, I'm bold as a lion. Prov 28:1 'Cause I'm upright, I have good things in possession. Prov 28:10 'Cause I'm willing & obedient, I eat the good of the land. Isa 1:19 'Cause I'm wise, I inherit glory. Prov 3:35 'Cause I'm wise, my tongue is health. Prov 12:18 'Cause I'm wise, wisdom strengthens me. Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law being made a curse for me, for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangs on tree, so the blessing of Abraham would come on Fred. Gal 3:13 Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Prov 18:21 Every beast of forest is yours and the cattle on a thousand hills, and the beasts of the field, and the silver and the gold, & He gives me large chunks of it. Ps 50 Exceedingly great and precious promises & divine nature. 2 Pet 1:4 First the blade, then ear. Mk 4:28 For my shame I have double God, by his faith, spoke the worlds into existence. God gives me the power to get wealth. Deut 8:18 God has blessed me with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ God has pleasure in my prosperity. Ps 35:27 God hastens his word to perform it. Jer 1:12 God is no respecter of persons. Acts 10:34 God is true. Rom 3:3,4 God made Jesus to be sin, so we'd be the righteousness of God. 2 Cor 5:21 God makes all grace to be abundant toward me and I always have all sufficiency. 2 Cor 9:8 God performs all things for me. God supplies all my needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19 God the Father wants me to have abundant life and I have it. Jhn 6:38, 10:10 God works in me to will and to do his good pleasure. Phil 2:13 God's blessings overtake me. Deut 28:2 God has given me all things that pertain to life and Godliness. 2 Pet 1:3 God's word doesn't return void, but accomplishes what he pleases. Isa 55:11 Grace and peace are multiplied to me. 2 Pet 1:2 He gives me richly all things to enjoy. He gives more grace. He makes my feet like hinds feet and sets me on my high places. He opens his hand and satisfies the desire of every living thing. He teaches my hands to war so that a bow of steel is broken by my arms. He has given me all things that pertain to life and godliness. 2 Pet 1:3 I abide in Jesus, so I ask and receive. Jhn 15:7 I add to my faith virtue 2 Pet 1:5 I agree with my adversary quickly while I'm in the way with him. Matt 5:25 I always have all sufficiency in all things. God makes all grace abound toward me. 2 Cor 9:8 I always have good neighbors and dwellings and a good car and good everything. I always have plenty and abundance of all things and want of nothing. I ask for and receive wisdom from God. Jas 1:5 I believe and therefore speak. 2 Cor 4:13, Ps 116:10 I believe, so all things are possible to me. Mk 9:23 I bind & loose. Matt 16:19 I bridle my tongue. Jas 1:22-26 I bring forth fruit w patience. Lk 8:15 I bring forth my fruit in due season. I bring good things out of my heart to speak. Matt 12:35 I confess that I'm a stranger and a pilgrim in the earth. I continue in Jesus words. Jhn 8:31,32 I delight myself in the Lord and he gives me the desires of my heart. Ps 37:3-5 I do to others as I would have them do to me. I do what J says. Lk 6:46 I don't cast away my confidence which has great repayment of reward. Heb 10:35 I don't commit myself to them. Jhn 2:24,25 I don't fear 'cause it's my father's good pleasure to give me the kingdom. I don't forget the promises of God. 2 Tim 1:7 I don't love sleep lest I come to poverty. I open my eyes and am satisfied w bread. I don't rely on circumstances, but on God's word. I don't turn again to folly. I have the mind of Christ. I eat good by the fruit of my mouth. Prov 13:2 I edify myself. 2 Cor 14:2-4. Jude 20,21 I flourish like the palm tree: I grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Ps 92:12 I forget the things behind and reach forth to the things ahead. I go in and out and find pasture. I guard my mouth, and so, my life. Prov 13:3 I have a continual feast, 'cause I have a merry heart. I have a good heritage. I have a good name, which is more precious than gold. I have a vineyard in a very fruitful field. I have abundance and my G meets my needs. Phil 4:19 I have abundance of all things and want of nothing. Ps 23:1, 34:10, 142:7 I have all things 2 Pet 1:2,3 I have everything. Phil 4:19 I have exceedingly great and precious promises by which I'm a partaker of the divine nature, having escaped corruption that is in the world through lust 2 Pet 1:4 I have faith in God (the God kind of faith, or the faith of God) Mk 11:22 I have favor and good understanding with God & men. Prov 3:4 I have glory, and honor, and peace. Ps I have good understanding 'cause I do the Lord's commandments. Ps 111:10 I have mustard seed faith and I move mountains. Matt 17:20, Lk 17:6 I have peace and good cheer. Jhn 16:33 I have sound wisdom and discretion and understanding. Prov 3:21, 2:11 I have the good and perfect. gifts from the Father. Jas 1:16,17 I have the mountain moving faith. Luke 17:6 I honor the Lord with my substance. Prov 3:9,10 I increase in the knowledge of God. Col 1:10,11 I inherit all things 'cause I'm an overcomer. Rev 21:7 I keep God's word always before me. I keep God's word before my eyes and in my heart. Prov 4:21 I keep his commandments and do what pleases him. 1 Jhn 3:22 I keep planting seed, and God gives me the increase. I let no corrupt communication proceed out of my mouth. I love my enemies & bless those who curse me & do good to those who hate me and pray for those who mistreat me and persecute me Matt 5:44 I make for myself friends of the mammon of unrighteousness. I make my boast in the Lord. I make my best effort and the Lord does the rest. Let the L do as seems him good. 2 Sam 10:12 I open my mouth wide and God fills it. I plant seed. Mk 4:26 I ponder the path of my feet; I let all my ways be established. Prov 4:26 I prosper ‘cause I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Ps 122:6 I put away a froward mouth. I receive a hundredfold now in this present time. I receive abundance of grace and righteousness and reign by Jesus Christ. Rom 5:17 I rceive power with the Holy Ghost. Acts 1:8 I receive the spirit of wisdom. Eph 1:17,18 I receive with meekness the engrafted wd. Jas 1:21 The meek shall inherit the earth, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. I redeem the time, for the days are evil. I rejoice in my portion. I have everlasting joy. Isa 61:7 I rejoice in the L, who has done great things for me. I rejoice in the L's salvation. Ps 9:14 I rejoice in your word as someone that finds great spoil. I say and I have Mk 11:23 I see both the goodness and severity of the L. I shall never be ashamed, world without end. Joel I shall not lack. Ps 23 I plant and I harvest. Gal 6:7 I speak from my heart good things. Matt 12:34,35 I subdue the earth and have dominion. Gen 1:28 I speak, meditate, and do God's word, so I make my way prosperous and have gd success. Josh 1:8 I speak no corrupt communication from my mouth. Eph 4:29 I trust in the L and do good, so I dwell in the land and I'm fed. I use knowledge right. Prov 15:2 I use the washing of water by the word. I walk and don't faint 'cause I wait on the Lord. Isa 40:31 I walk in God's words. Eph 2:10 I wait patiently for the Lord, he inclines to me and hears my cry. Ps 40:1 I watch my tongue and avoid trouble Prov 21:23 I will sing 2 the Lord 'cause he has dealt abundantly with me. Ps. 13:6, 116:7, 119:17, 142;7 I write God's word on the table of my heart. Prov 7:2,3 If there's no hope, I still believe in hope. Rom 4:17,18 If my heart condemns, God is greater than my heart and I do what pleases him 1 Jhn 3:20-22 I'll never B in want. I'll shine like the stars, 'cause I turn many to righteousness. I'm a doer of the wd. Jas 1:22-26 I'm a follower of God. Eph 5:1 I'm a joint heir with the Lord Jesus Christ I'm a partaker of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 2 Pet 1:4 I'm a partner with God. I'm a peacemaker & so I'm called a child of God. I'm a sheep of his pasture. Ps 100:3 I'm a son of God & and a joint heir with Christ. 1 Jhn 3:1,2 Rom 8:14-17 I'm blessed 'cause I put my trust in the Lord. Ps 2:12 I'm blessed 'cause I read the book of Revelation and the Bible. Rev 1:3 I'm blessed 'cause I trust in him. Ps 34:8 I'm blessed in my lying down and in my rising up. Prov 19:17, Deut 28:1-14 I'm blessed in the city and in the field, in my going out and in my coming in. I'm far from oppression. Isa 54:14-17 I'm filled. Prov 18:20 I'm happy 'cause I have mercy on the poor. I'm in league with the stones of the field. Job I'm justified by my words. Matt 12:37 I'm like tree by water. Ps 1 I'm never removed 'cause I'm righteous. Prov 10:30 I'm not ashamed in the evil time and in the days of famine, I'm satisfied. Ps 37:19 I'm not destroyed for lack of knowledge Hos 4:6 I'm not many masters Jas 3:1,2 I'm not weary in well-doing. I reap in due season and don't faint. Gal 6:9 I'm one of those just men made perfect. I'm renewed in knowledge. Col 3:10 I'm satisfied w good by the fruit of my mouth and the recompense of my hands is rendered to me. Prov 12:14 I'm sober and vigilant. 1 Pet 5:8 I'm strong and very courageous. Josh 1:7 I'm the blessed of the Lord. The blessing of the L is on me. Gal 3 I'm the body of Christ and member of Christ I'm the Righteousness of God in Christ. I'm wise as a serpent, and harmless as a dove. I'm wise, prudent, and diligent and I walk in it. In me is no guile. Jhn 1:47 In quietness and in confidence is my strength. In the Lord's name my horn is exalted. I've built on a rock. Lk 6:48 I've put my trust in the Lord God. Ps I've received abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness and I reign in life by Jesus Christ Rom 5:17 I've set the Lord always before me: 'cause he's at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Psa 16:8 I've set to my seal that God is true. It shall be well with you, Fred, for it is written, "Say ye 2 the r. it shall B well with him, for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Isa 3:10 It's been restored seven fold all that's been stolen from me. It's done for me, 'cause I believe. Matt 8:13 Jesus said, it pleases God to give me the kingdom. Lk 12:32 Jesus' poverty makes me rich. 2 Cor 8:9 Jesus has given me abundant life and I have it. Jhn 10:10 Kings are my nursing fathers & I'm not ashamed who waits for Him. Isa 49:23 Let the Lord be magnified who takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servant Fred. Ps 35:27 L clothes me better than the lilies of the field L delivers me out of all my afflictions. Ps 34:19 L gives me an expected end. Jer L gives me richly all things to enjoy 1 Tim last chapt L has pleasure in my prosperity. Gal 3:14, Ps 35:27, L makes a way for me, always. rev '81 L makes me plenteous. Deut 30:9-19 L rebukes the devourer. Matt 3:10,11. Isa 54:17 L takes pleasure in my prosperity. Lord's brought me out to a wealthy place. Many troubles shall be to the wicked, but the L delivers Fred out of them all. Mountains move for me. Matt 17:20 My children are like olive plants around my table. My desires are accomplished and it's sweet to my soul. My faith is not without works. Jas 2:20 My gift makes room for me and brings me before great men. Prov My God supplies all my needs, according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19 My hand bears rule 'cause I'm diligent. My hands are sufficient for me. My hands make me rich 'cause I'm diligent. Prov 10:4 My heart teaches my tongue Prov 16:23 My labor will be rewarded 2 Chron 15:7 My light breaks forth as the morning, and my justice as the noonday. Ps 37 My lips preserve me. Prov 14:3 My merry heart gives me a cheerful face. Prov 15:13 My mouth brings forth wisdom. Prov 10:31,32 My mouth is a well of life. Prov 10:11 My profiting appears to all. 1 Tim 4:15 financially & every other way. My seed shall be mighty on the earth Ps My tabernacle flourishes 'cause I'm upright. My tongue is a tree of life. Prov 15:4 My Threshing reaches to my vintage; my vintage reaches to my planting time; I eat bread to the full and dwell in my land safely. Lev 26:15 My words give me joy. Prov 15:23 My work goes fast on. My desire is a tree of life. Prov. 13:12 My faith removes mountains. Matt 17:20 No condemnation. Rom 8:1,2 No good thing will God withhold from me 'cause I walk uprightly. Ps 34:10, 84:11 Nothing that pertains to me casts their young, nor is barren in my land. Please make your face to shine on your servant, Fred. Ps 23 Ps 1 Strangers arise and build my house. The blessing of Abraham is on me. Gal 3:13,14 The Lord has made me rich. The blessing of the L makes me rich, and he adds no sorrow. Prov 10:22 The Father gives good things to me 'cause I ask him. Matt. 7:11 The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; yes, I have a good heritage. Ps 16:6 The Lord has blessed me in all the works of my hands. Deut The Lord has brought me forth into a large place. The Lord has brought me out into a wealthy place. Ps 66:12 The Lord has crowned me w glory & honor. Ps 8:5 The Lord has given me all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that's called us to glory and virtue. 2 Pet 1:3 The Lord has made me a prosperous man. The Lord has made me rich. The Lord clothes me better than the lilies of the field. The Lord daily loads me with benefits. The Lord deals abundantly wit me. Psalms The Lord delights in me. The Lord delivers me out of all my afflictions. Ps 34:20 The Lord enlarges me and my feet don't slip. Ps 4:1, 18:36 The Lord enlarges my heart. Ps 119 The Lord establishes my borders. The Lord establishes, strengthens, settles me. The Lord establishes the work of my hands. Ps 90 The Lord feeds the sparrows & sees me as of more value than many sparrows, and better than a sheep. The Lord fulfills all my desires 'cause I fear him. The Lord gives me a good land. Deut 11:11,12 The Lord gives me an expected end. Jer 29:11 The Lord gives me grace and glory. The Lord gives me the best dwelling place in the best city with good neighbors and good everything. The Lord gives me the power to get wealth, establishing his covenant. Deut 8:17,18 and I use it and get rich. Deut 8:18 The Lord gives me the sure mercies of David. Isa 55:3 The Lord gives me the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places. Isa 45:3 The Lord gives me understanding and wisdom and teaches me knowledge. The Lord gives me wisdom; from his mouth I get knowledge & understanding. Prov 2:6 The Lord has done great things 4 me. The Lord has put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased. Ps 4:7 The Lord has set my feet in a large room. The Lord has set my feet on a rock and established my goings. Ps 40:2 The Lord has the cattle on a thousand hills, and the silver and the gold, and the beasts of the forest, and the beasts of the field, and the fowls, and he gives me large chunks of it. The Lord multiplies my seed sown (multiplies the seeds I've planted) The Lord increases me on every side. The Lord increases my greatness and comforts me on every side. The Lord instructs me to discretion. Isa The Lord is good and his mercy endures forever. The Lord is my high tower, buckler, defense, feathers, fortress, stronghold, strength, provider, supplier. The Lord is my life Deut The Lord is my senior partner in business and chief shepherd in ministry. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not lack. Ps 23:1 The Lord is strong for me 'cause my heart is perfect toward him. 2 Chron. 16:9 The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup: you maintain what is mine. Ps 16:5 The Lord loads me with benefits every day. The Lord makes his face shine on me. The Lord makes the horn of Fred to bud and clothes me with salvation. The Lord multiplies my planted seed. The Lord performs all things for me. Ps The Lord pities me 'cause I fear him. The Lord promotes me to honor. The Lord prospers me. Josh 1:8 The Lord prospers my way. The Lord supplies all my needs. Phil 4:19 The Lord surrounds me w favor as with a shield. Ps 5:12 The Lord teaches me knowledge & discretion. The Lord teaches me to profit & leads me by the way that I should go. Isa 48:17 The Lord teaches my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by my arms. Ps 2, Ps 18:34 The Lord watches over his word to perform it. The Lord will do for me all the good things in the Bible. The Lord won't allow my feet to be moved: he that keeps me will not sleep. Psa 121:3 The Lord won't allow my soul to famish 'cause I'm righteous by the blood of J. Prov The Lord won't let me go under. The Lord has set before me an open door. No man can shut it. Rev The Lord fulfills the number of my days. The preparations of the heart in Fred, and the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. Prov. The repayment of my hands shall be rendered to me. The riches of the Gentiles are converted to me, and of the sea and rivers. The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, & I'm one of them by the blood of Jesus. Prov The root of the righteous yields fruit. Prov The silver and the gold are yours Lord, and you give me large chunks. Hag 2:8 The sons of strangers arise and build my walls. Isa 60:10 The testing of my faith brings patience. The wealth of the sinner is laid up for me, 'cause I'm just. Prov 13:22 and the L gets it to me. The word of God doesn't depart out of my mouth, but I meditate on it and do it and have good success. Jos1:8 The word of God dwells richly in me. The word of God has made me. There'll be no breaking in, nor going out with all that pertains 2 me. Ps 144:14 Then shall we know, if we go on to know the Lord, & I DO. You maintain my lot. Ps 16:5 Through desire, having separated myself, I seek and intermeddle with all wisdom. Prov 18:1 Wealth and riches are in my house 'cause I fear the L and greatly delight in his commandments. Ps 113:3 Whatever I do prospers. Ps 1:3 Whatever I set my hand to. Wisdom has built my house. Wisdom promotes me to honor and gives me a crown of life. Prov 4:8 Wisdom strengthens me 'cause I'm wise. Wisdom, you're my sister; understanding, you're my kinswoman. Prov With tender mercies does he gather me, and shows me his salvation. The word of Christ dwells richly in me in all wisdom. Col 3:16 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Ps 23 You surround me w favor as w a shield. You'll never allow the righteous to be moved. Psa 55:22 Your gentleness has made me great. Ps 18:35, Psa 15:5 You've put gladness in my heart, more than in the time their corn and their wine increased. Psalms SAFE/SECURE 'cause God is for me, no one can be against me. Rom 8:31 'Cause I keep the commandments, I feel no evil thing. 'Cause I love God's word, nothing offends me and I have great peace. 'Cause I trust in the L, I'm like Mount Zion, that can't be removed. 'Cause I'm righteous, I'm delivered out of trouble. The wicked come instead. 'cause my ways please the Lord, he makes even my enemies to B at peace w me. Prov 16:7 A thousand shall fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but it won't come near me. Ps 91:7 As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed my sins from me. As the heavens are high above the earth, so great is his mercy to me, 'cause I fear him. 'cause God is for me, no one can be against me. Rom 8:31 'Cause I love God's word, nothing offends me and I have great peace. 'cause my ways please the L, he makes even my enemies to be at peace w me. Prov 16:7 God has not appointed me to wrath, but to obtain salvation. God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Tim 1:7 God holds my soul in life, and doesn't allow my feet to be moved. Psa 66:9 God is in the midst of me; I shall not be moved. Psa 46:5 God is my confidence. Ps 65:5 God is my refuge and strength. God's law is in my heart, none of my steps shall slide. Ps 37:19 God's word makes me wise, yielding salvation. He is my rock & my salvation: he is my defense; I shall not be moved. Psa 62:6 He keeps my foot from being taken. He will never allow the righteous to be moved. He's my buckler 'cause I walk uprightly. His mercy endures forever. Ps 138? I cast all my cares on Jesus, for he cares for me. 1 Pet 5:7 I cast my burden on the Lord and he sustains me: he'll never allow the righteous to be moved. Psa 55:22 I don't have a cup of trembling. Isa 51:22 I don't let my heart be troubled. (Jesus) I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under God's shadow Ps 91:1 I foresee the evil & hide myself. I have great peace 'cause I love G's word, and nothing offends me. Ps 119:165 I have no condemnation. Rom 8:1 I have perfect peace 'cause my mind is stayed on the Lord. I have the sure mercies of David. Isa 55:3 I lay up treasure for myself in heaven. I put my trust in the Lord; how say ye to my soul flee like a bird to your mountain? I shall never be ashamed world without end. Joel I trust in him. Ps 34:8 I trust in the covering of your wings. I walk at liberty for I seek your precepts. Ps 119:45 I won't need to fight. I'll never be ashamed, world without end. I'm accepted in the beloved. I'm married to the Lord. I'm engraved on the palms of his hands. Jer 3:14, Isa 49:16 I'm never forsaken. Ps 37:25 I'm not afraid of bad news. Ps 112:7 In quietness and in confidence is my strength. Isa 30:15 Jesus, the truth, lives in me and shall be with me forever. 2 Jhn 2 Jesus is my rock and my salvation: he is my defense; I shall not be moved. Psa 62:6 Jesus said don't be afraid, so I don't fear. Jesus' yoke is easy and his burden is light. My affliction is light. My end is peace. Ps 37:37 My inheritance shall be forever. Ps 37:18 My mouth delivers me. Prov 12:6 My righteousness endures forever. Ps 40:1 No evil happens to me. Prov 12:21, Prov 91:10,11, Prov 12:28 No evil will happen to me 'cause I'm just by blood of Jesus. No evil will befall me nor will any plague come near my dwelling. Ps. 91:10,11 No man will set on me to hurt me. Acts 18:10 No weapon formed against me will prosper. Isa 54:17 No one shall make me afraid. Zeph Nothing shall by any means hurt me. Lk 10 Peace shall be on me. Perfect love casts out fear. 1 Jhn 4:18 Surely the wrath of man shall praise you; the remainder of wrath you'll restrain. Ps 76:10 The Lord blesses me w peace and is my salvation. Ps 29:11, 27:1 The Lord delivers me from the hands of my enemies. The Lord delivers me from the wicked and saves me 'cause I trust in him. Ps 37:40 The Lord establishes, strengthens, settles me. The Lord gives me deliverance and saves me 'cause I trust in Him. Psalms The Lord gives me deliverance 'cause he delights in me. The Lord gives me joy. The Lord gives me rest for my soul The Lord hides me under the shadow of his wings and pavilion. Psalms The Lord is a buckler to me 'cause I trust in him. The Lord is a buckler to me 'cause I walk uprightly. Prov 2:7 The Lord is my keeper and my preserver and won't suffer my feet to be moved. The Lord is my refuge and help and strength and song and salvation and my buckler and my deliverer. The Lord is my shield and my exceedingly great reward and my high tower and my strong tower and my fortress and my song and my defense. The Lord keeps me in perfect peace 'cause my mind is stayed on him. Isa The Lord keeps my foot from being taken. Prov 3:26 The Lord maintains my right and my cause. Ps 9:4 The Lord never leaves me nor forsakes me. Heb 13:5 The Lord only makes me to dwell in safety. The Lord preserves my soul and my going out and my coming in from now on and forever. Ps The Lord will bless his people w peace, of whom I'm one. The Lord will keep me in perfect peace ‘cause my mind is stayed on him. Isa The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting for me 'cause I fear him. The peace of God rules in my heart. Col 3:15 There is therefore now no condemnation to me 'cause I'm in Christ Jesus and called according to his purpose. Rom 8:1 This king trusts in the Lord; and through the mercy of the most high I shall not be moved. Psa 21:7 Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. With great mercies does he gather me. Isa 54:7 With tender mercies does he gather me, & shows me his salvation. 'Cause I do the things in Psa 15, I'll never B moved. Ps 15:1 Lord, who shall live in your tabernacle? Who shall live in your holy hill? Ps 15:2 He that walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart. Ps 15:3 He that doesn't backbite with his tongue, and doesn't do evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against his neighbor. Ps 15:4 In whose eyes a filthy person is held in contempt; but he honors those who fear the Lord. He that promises to his own hurt, and doesn't change. Ps 15:5 He that doesn't loan his money at interest, nor takes a bribe against the innocent. He that does these things shall never be moved. WORSHIP A day in your courts is better than a thousand. At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow. Bless the Lord, O my soul. Ps Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting. He is worthy of our praise. How terrible are you in your works toward the children of men. I bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Ps 34:1 I call on the Lord, who is worthy to B praised. I fear the Lord, so I bless him. I give the Lord the glory due his name. I glory in the Lord. 1 Cor 1:31 I hope in God, for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance. I kiss the Son so he won’t be angry and I perish from the way when his wrath kindled but a little. I lift up holy hands without wrath and doubting. I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind, strength. Jesus I pray and sing with both the spirit and with the understanding. 1 Cor 14:15 I sing the Lord a new song. Isa 42 I spend time worshipping the Lord in the beauty of holiness. I rejoice in the Lord my God. I show reverence to the L and respect and worship. I worship the L. Ps 96:9 I worship the L in the beauty of holiness. I'll love thee, O Lord, my strength. Psalms I'll praise the Lord's name from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same. Ps 113:3 I'll rejoice in the Lord. I will joy in the God of my salvation. Psalms I'll sing praise to your name forever. I'll sing praise to your name, O most high. Ps 9:2 In wisdom have you made them all. I've tasted and seen and the Lord is good. His mercy endures forever. Lord, you only do wondrously. Psalms Now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The foolishness of God is wiser than men; the weakness of God is stronger than men. The Lord inhabits my praises. The Lord is a man of war. The Lord is his name. Ex 15:3 The whole earth shall be filled with your glory. The word of the Lord, that shall stand. This is the day the Lord has made. I'll rejoice & be glad in it. This is the true grace wherein I stand. Through your precepts I get understanding, therefore I hate every false way. Ps 119 You’re my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation. You are my God from my mother's womb. Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever. Ps 138:8 Your words were found and I ate them and your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart, for I am called by your name, O Lord. Jer 15:16 You're a great king, Lord Jesus. You're the best thing that ever happened to me, Lord Jesus, by far. You've made me glad through your wd. Psalms You've turned my mourning into dancing.