Shootings by Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2014, all rights reserved. Chapter 1 It's been in the news lately, there was a shooting in Oregon at a school, and also a shooting in the state of Washington. And a shooting in Las Vegas. In Las Vegas, two people shot two police officers at a pizza parlor, and then someone at a Walmart, and then, in an apparent suicide pact, killed themselves. And after they killed themselves, where did they go? Well, to hell, of course, because the Bible says, "No murderer has eternal life abiding in him." (1 Jhn 3:15) Eternal life means going to heaven. People who think it's all over after you die are quite mistaken. When you die, it's only your body that dies. Then you, the person who had that body as your house during your life on earth, either go up to heaven or down to hell. To go to heaven, you must be a born-again Christian. More on this a little later in the book. These people who go around shooting people seem to be ignorant of what happens afterward. If you're a murderer, you go to hell. Now, Moses killed a man. But Moses was not a murderer. Moses saw an Egyptian mistreating one of his fellow Israelites, and fought with the Egyptian, and the Egyptian died. I met a man in El Paso, TX who thought that perhaps Moses went to hell. I pointed out to the man that Jesus' disciples saw Jesus talking with Moses and Elijah here on earth. And doesn't that show that Moses couldn't have gone to hell, since he came back to earth to talk with Jesus? But that man wasn't persuaded. God wouldn't bring Moses back from hell to speak with Jesus. If Moses had gone to hell, God would have found someone else plus Elijah rather than bringing back someone from hell. It was an honor to come back to earth and speak with Jesus, the Messiah. God doesn't bestow honor on those that He deems worthy of hell. No, Moses went to heaven, and that man in El Paso was an ignorant man. Moses, you see, was not a murderer. Just 'cause you kill someone doesn't necessarily make you a murderer. There can be a fight. Someone dies. The survivor is not necessarily a murderer. But if the survivor laid in wait for the other. If the survivor ambushed the other, then yes, the survivor is probably a murderer. And these shootings mentioned above are no doubt murder. Major Hasan, of the U.S. Army, is no doubt a murderer. Hasan seemed to be a normal soldier. The Army had educated him, and he became a Psychiatrist or Psychologist. He would counsel soldiers who seemed to have mental or emotional problems. But Hasan himself was a mental case. When Hasan got orders to go to the war zone, he didn't like those orders. Just nevermind that he had sworn an oath, like everyone else who enters the armed forces of the U.S., to obey all lawful orders. You've agreed to go where the Army sends you. You go where the Army needs you. Your superior officers in the Army make that decision. So, Hasan looked for a way to get out of it. And he found it, or so he thought. Hasan said to himself, "Wait a minute, I'm a Muslim, and I'm guaranteed by my religion to go to heaven if I die as a Muslim martyr." So, Hasan got his guns and started shooting people. Sooner or later someone would have to shoot him, and then he could die as a Muslim martyr. But things didn't work out for Hasan the way he hoped. Someone did shoot him, but it didn't kill him. Whoever it was that told the Muslims that they'll go straight to heaven by murdering people lied to them. But a lot of these recent shootings in the news are not related to Islam and the Muslims. People see what they don't like in the world, so they decide to die, and they want to take someone with them. But they forget, or they never knew, that "No murderer has eternal life abiding in him." (1 Jhn 3:15). So they don't know that they've chosen one of the short cuts to hell. Another path to hell is pornography, and porn has sent many to hell. One of the inventors of porn is Hugh Hefner, who started Playboy magazine. He will no doubt spend the rest of eternity in hell because if you help a lot of other people go to hell, then you'll share hell with them. The Bible says, "He that digs a pit shall fall into it." (Prov 26:27) Hefner's business made him wealthy, of course. But Hefner will find that his wealth on earth does him no good in hell, where their worms don't die, and where the fire is never quenched, where there's crying and gnashing of teeth, Jesus said. I, also, can see that there is a lot of injustice in the world. But I also know that it's not up to me to go put everything right. God says, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord." (Rom 12:19) If you're a God-fearing person, let God render the justice that is deserved. If you're not a God-fearing person, then you're on the road to hell. Some people are talking about tighter gun laws as a way of curbing the shootings. I do think that we should have background checks before people buy guns. And guns shouldn't be sold to the mentally handicapped nor to minors. But if guns were harder to get, there are still other ways to commit murder. Chapter 2 People need to be taught better. Parents need to teach their children to be God-fearing. God-fearing people, who know the Bible, know better than to go around murdering people. I heard a man say once that he didn't want to teach his children about religion because he wanted to let them make their own choices about religion. That's a pretty dumb thing to say, and that was a parent not well qualified to be a parent. Parents need to get themselves straight with God first, and then they need to teach their children those principles. And on Judgment Day, God will require it of the parents if they didn't teach their children properly. And God will say to some parents, "Your children went to hell, and their blood is on your hands because you didn't teach them properly." The recent incident in Las Vegas, Nevada, was apparently by white supremacists and anarchists. And how does their action make the world any better? It doesn't, of course. And they will pay for their error in hell. In one of the recent incidents, the perpetrator was a young man who was somewhat mentally handicapped. What did he have, ADD or ADHD? Anyway, he was a little slow, mentally. And it showed. It was his gripe that the girls didn't like him. But that's not at all surprising. Of course the girls are going to be more interested in the boys who are not mentally handicapped. And it's not their fault that this guy was the way he was. So how did his getting violent solve any problems? It didn't. The young man needed a healing. I believe he probably needed one or more demons cast out of him by a Christian. He should have sought a solution to the problem from the Lord. Unfortunately, churches today don't seem to be casting out demons very much. There needs to be better teaching on this subject. Mental cases are very much on the rise. And mental cases are generally demonic in origin. Beside not casting out demons, many of the churches also don't have the Baptism with the Holy Ghost with the speaking in unknown tongues (languages), which is an important thing to have for Christians who will be casting out demons. Jesus said to his people, "You'll receive power after the Holy Ghost has come on you." (Acts 1:8) You have more power as a Christian if you've been baptized with the Holy Ghost. To become a born again Christian, as Jesus spoke of in John chapter 3, obey Romans 10:9,10: "That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you're saved. For with the heart man believes for righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made for salvation." After becoming a Christian, be sure to read at least a chapter a day in the Bible. And Jesus wants all his people to receive the Baptism with the Holy Ghost with the speaking in unknown tongues (languages). Ask the Lord to baptize you with the Holy Ghost with the speaking with other tongues. This is only for Christians, of course. When you pray, believe you receive the things you ask for, and you shall have them. (Mark 11:24) Some seem to have the idea that you can be a successful Christian without the Baptism with the Holy Ghost. If you have a tree that needs to be cut down, are you going to go at it with your pocket knife? Are you going to use a Boy Scout hatchet? Better use your chain saw if you have one or can borrow one. You pull the cord, the engine starts, and your tree is down in maybe ten minutes. Why? Because you were using power. Jesus said we'd have more power with the Baptism with the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:8) Why would you want to be without more power? Some might say, "Well, my granddaddy, and my Dad never had the Baptism with the Holy Ghost." Norvel Hayes had a good answer for that. Hayes talked like this, "Did you ever consider that your granddaddy and Dad were mistaken? The Bible says, "Work out YOUR OWN Salvation with fear and trembling." (Phil 2:12) If you're a Christian without the Baptism with the Holy Ghost with the speaking in unknown tongues, you're like the guy trying to cut down a tree with a pocket knife. Move up to the chain saw bracket. Months ago, I happened to be listening to Sean Hannity's radio show, and he was talking about some of the sexual misbehavior in the news. I don't know whether it was Anthony Weiner or Arnold Schwarzenegger. Hannity asked the question, "Why do people do that?" I said, "demons." And what makes people go and murder is also demons. Demons are fallen angels that rebelled against God when Satan did. Demons get into people and make them do things. One way demons get into people is if those people using pornography. (Please see my book, "Pornography Kills...) But there are many other kinds of sins that people commit that can let demons in. I believe that committing the sin of blasphemy will let demons in. "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain..." (Exo 20:7) A reporter today said on the radio that one of these most recent shootings was the 74th campus shooting since Sandy Hook. As I recall, that would be the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school.