God’s Way to Get Rid of Debt and Other Articles by Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2013, all rights reserved Table of Contents God's Way to Get Rid of Debt A Two State Solution for Palestine? Jesus Only? Arab Spring? Hassidic Jewish Practice of Arranged Marriages Letter to Beschloss Curing Homosexuality with Counseling? Balanced Budget Amendment U.S. Ambassador Murdered in Libya Cover-up by the Obama Administration Framer's Roof Calculation Ohm's Law Psalm 1 God's Way to Get Rid of Debt by Fred Hoehn, www.FredHoehnMinistries.com If you've seen any of my website, you may be aware that I'm a student of Kenneth E. Hagin, Norvel Hayes, and Charles Capps. Websites for materials from those teachers are: www.Rhema.org, www.nhm.cc, and www.CharlesCapps.com, respectively. For probably at least five years, I had credit card debt in the thousands of dollars. Following those teachers, and Mark 11:23, I spoke to the mountain of debt, and commanded it to be plucked up roots and all, and be thrown into the sea. I'm not sure how many times I did that over the last five years, but probably safe to say, many. Then recently, a man that I hadn't seen in probably five years came along and paid off my credit card debt! My balance is now zero. Thank you, Lord Jesus. But I would not expect the results to be very good, if you try this without first becoming a Christian. And even for Christians, I would expect better results if that Christian first got the Baptism with the Holy Ghost with the speaking in unknown tongues. Please see my other posting about "The Baptism with the Holy Ghost," by Fred Hoehn. A Two State Solution For Palestine? by Frederick Hoehn, www.FredHoehnMinistries.com copyright 2011, all rights reserved Recently at the United Nations, there was a vote about Palestine. The vote was somewhat favorable toward Palestine, while falling short of statehood for Palestine. There are those who advocate a "two state solution" to the Middle East problems. From what I've read, it seems former President, Jimmy Carter, is one of those. This is rather surprising, since it was my understanding that Carter was a Christian. He may actually be a Christian, but perhaps he has allowed his experience as President to color his views about Israel. (“Don’t lean to your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5) Israel, of course, has an ally in the United States of America, and many American citizens are Jewish. We have lobbyists in the U.S. to advocate certain positions. I understand the U.S. Jewish lobby is quite strong. But the United States doesn't seem to be as strong lately as it once was. Israel, however, has a stronger ally than the U.S.A. Israel has God as its ally, dating all the way back to God's covenant with Abraham, the patriarch of the Jews, a covenant from thousands of years ago, that God is still keeping (else, how could there be a nation of Israel?). Some of the Arabs also boast of having descended from Abraham, but God says, "In Isaac shall thy seed be called." (Genesis 21:12 “And God said to Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah has said to thee, listen to her voice, for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.”) God's chosen people are the Jews, not their adversaries. In view of the fact that God is for the Jews and Israel, it would be wise to get on God’s side in this matter, since God’s side is the winning side. “There is no counsel against the Lord.” (Proverbs 21:30 “There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Lord.”) Of course, the Palestinians think that their god is on their side. They call him Allah. But God is stronger than Allah, as we shall see. As a former Navy Officer and Nuclear Engineer, I would have thought Jimmy Carter would have been smart enough to get on the right side of this matter. I’m not saying that it will probably send him to hell. God is merciful. Mr. Carter, your position is wrong. A “two state solution” is wrong. Check your Bible. All the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean (“the Great Sea”) belongs to Israel, and I suggest you ask God’s forgiveness. But the future won’t entirely be smooth sailing for Israel. The Prophet Jeremiah speaks about “The time of Jacob’s trouble.” Jeremiah 30:6 Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? Why do I see every man with his hands on his loins, like a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? Jeremiah 30:7 Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it. Israel is another name for Jacob. Jacob is another name for Israel. But they’ll be saved out of it. But there will be a crisis. The Jews, of course, fall somewhat short because God has said that without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin. Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. I understand that the Jews no longer have animal sacrifices. So then where is the blood that does away with sin? Still, it’s better to be Jewish than Muslim, and it’s better to be Christian than Jewish (or better to be a Messianic Jew than a Jew still waiting for the Messiah who has already come). Jesus Only? by Frederick Hoehn, www.FredHoehnMinistries.com copyright 2012, all rights reserved There are individuals, and churches, and at least one denomination that have been deceived about the Godhead. I'm referring to "Jesus Only" people who think that God the Father, and the Holy Ghost (or, Holy Spirit, or Comforter) are just different forms of Jesus. In other words, they think that all of God is Jesus. Wrong. God the Father existed before Jesus did, as we can see from John 3:16, where Jesus is called the only begotten Son of God. Thus Jesus had a beginning, and God the Father pre-existed Jesus. That should be enough right there. But there's plenty more evidence. We see where Jesus prayed all night. To whom was he praying, to himself? Of course not. Jesus was praying to God his Father, who remained behind in heaven when the Father sent his Son Jesus to earth to live in a man's body, to teach and preach and heal and cast out demons. Then Jesus died for our sins. On the third day, God the Father raised Jesus from the dead. It's all right there in the New Testament part of the Holy Bible, which has a total of 66 books, while the New Testament is the 27 books from Matthew to Revelation. Among those who are aware that there's a separate God the Father and a separate Lord Jesus Christ, some think the two are equal. I attended a church service once where they handed out some literature that said Jesus is coequal with God. I'm not sure there is such a word as coequal, and it certainly seems redundant, but they mean the two are equal, and they're wrong. Jesus said, "My Father is greater than I am." Since the Father is greater, they're not equal. Also, this statement shows that God the Father and Jesus are two separate individuals. Another time, Jesus said in Mark 13:32 that no man knows when Jesus will return, nor Jesus himself, but only God the Father. This again shows the Father is greater than Jesus, and separate from Jesus. A voice was heard from God in heaven, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased." You Jesus Only people, what happened there? Was Jesus using ventriloquism and throwing his voice? No, God the Father spoke from heaven about his Son on earth. Look at Psalm 110:1, “The Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.” Here are both God the Father and Jesus in the same verse. Was someone talking to himself? No, God the Father was speaking to his son Jesus, and the Father was doing the making for his son Jesus. There is another scripture where Jesus said, “I and the Father are one.” Now let’s try hard not to be confused by this scripture. Jesus is not saying that he and the Father are the same person. He is saying that he and the Father are united; they are in total agreement; there is no difference of opinion, as when a jury votes unanimously, with one voice. In another place, Jesus and Philip are talking. Philip says, “Show us the Father, and that will be sufficient.” Jesus said, “If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father.” Jesus Only people would probably say, “See, Jesus is the Father.” Wrong. You’re not rightly dividing the word of truth. Jesus is not the Father. Jesus is telling Philip that the Father is just like Jesus, and Jesus is just like the Father. Jesus spoke the words the Father wanted him to speak. Jesus did the works the Father wanted him to do. The Father was back in heaven while Jesus walked the earth. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed to the Father, “If it be thy will, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done.” It has happened many times that a child wanted candy, but the parent said no. There is the will of the child who wants the candy, and there is the will of the parent, who says no, it’s not good for you. The child and the parent each have their own wills, what they want, because the child and the parent are two different people. Jesus and God the Father are two different beings who are very much alike, except that the Father is greater than his son Jesus. John 3:16 tells us Jesus had a beginning. But that beginning was not around 2000 years ago. It was more like 6000 or more years ago when God the Father begot his Son, Jesus. At that begetting, no woman was involved. There were not yet any women. The first woman was Eve, Adam's wife. Adam was created before Eve, and Adam didn't yet exist when God the Father begot Jesus. So then, if there were no women, how did God the Father beget Jesus? Well, you see, God speaks things into existence. And when God decided it was the right time for there to be his only begotten son, all He had to do was say, "I speak into existence my Son Jesus, in my image and likeness." At another time during the creation process, God said, "Let there be light," and there was light: the Sun, the Moon, and the stars. (Gen 1:3) Jesus was present at the creation of the world, for it is written, "by whom he made the worlds." (Hebrews 1:2) God made the worlds by his Son, Jesus. Now the followers of Islam, the Muslims, say that Jesus was a good man and a prophet, but not the Son of God. But Jesus said he's the Son of God--to the Jewish High Priest, and to Peter. So, if the Muslims are right that Jesus is not the Son of God, then Jesus is not a good man, but a liar; not a prophet, but a false prophet. Thus, the Muslims have contradicted themselves. I used to play chess with a Muslim man who lived in the same building as I did in Houston, TX. When I tried to explain to him that the Muslims contradict themselves with the above statement, he surprised me with his answer. He said, "Jesus didn't say that," meaning that Jesus didn't say he's the Son of God. The Muslims say that Jesus is one of their prophets. But if they give him the status of a prophet, why don't they bother to find out what the prophet Jesus said while he was on earth? The explanation, of course, is that the Muslims read the wrong book, and fail to read the Holy Bible, where Jesus words that he spoke on earth are recorded. If they were students of the Bible, they'd know that Jesus said he's the Son of God. If they'd believe the Bible, they'd know the Muslim statement Jesus is not the Son of God is dead wrong. In Hosea 4:6, God says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Muslims also are destroyed for lack of knowledge. After God created the world, and birds, fish, animals, man and woman, sin got so bad on earth that God said, "I will destroy man from off the face of the earth." But Noah, who was "perfect in his generations" found grace in the sight of God. Perfect in his generations sounds to me like Noah was perfect in his sex life. God had Noah build an ark. Eight people and animals went into the ark. Then God brought the flood. The water covered the highest mountains. The human race started over with Noah and sons. But people went back to sinning. So, about two thousand years ago, God sent his Son Jesus down to earth to teach and preach and heal the sick and raise the dead and cast out demons from people. He was betrayed by one of his own disciples, Judas Iscariot, condemned to death by a wicked governor, Pontius Pilate, and executed by crucifixion. It is not perfectly correct, however, to say Jesus was executed because Jesus said, "No man takes my life from me." That execution could not have worked if Jesus had not "yielded up the ghost" (or, yielded up his spirit). Our bodies are the houses that we live in. When the body dies, then you, the person who had been living in that body go somewhere else. You'll go one of only two possible places: heaven or hell. And Jesus said most people go to hell. What a pity. And they didn't have to go there. They could have gotten born again as per John chapter 3, and gone to heaven. In the Old Testament, they could go to heaven by fearing God and keeping his commandments. Jesus started his earthly life as a baby, born of a virgin. It was the first time in history that the child was older than his mother, since Jesus had been around for thousands of years before Mary, but just not in a man's body walking on earth. After Jesus crucifixion and death, the third day Jesus rose from the dead. You Jesus Only people, who raised Jesus from the dead? Acts 13:30, "But God raised him from the dead." That means God the Father raised Jesus from the dead. There is really no advantage in pretending that all of God is Jesus, and there's abundant evidence to show that is bad theology and false doctrine. I wondered whether Jesus Only people were really Christians until I heard one of them speak in unknown tongues. The speaking in unknown tongues is the evidence of the Baptism with the Holy Ghost, which one obtains from Jesus. Jesus doesn't do that for non-Christians. So, Jesus will tolerate some false doctrine. He doesn't want us to have false doctrine, but he'll tolerate some of it. But you can't go concoct a bunch of false doctrine and start a new religion and expect to go to heaven. No, that's a sure road to hell. And the Bible says, "All liars shall have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone." (Rev 21:8) In Matthew 28:19, Jesus said the Christians should go into all the world and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son (Jesus) and of the Holy Ghost. This again shows that God is a three-in-one God. That's how I was baptized in water. The blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is the unforgivable sin. But a young Jesus Only man told me I'd probably go to hell 'cause I wasn't baptized in the name of Jesus, like Peter said. But when I was baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, "Son" there is another name for Jesus. Who died for our sins, Peter or Jesus? If Peter had tried to die for the sins of the world, it wouldn't have paid the required price with God because that sacrifice had to be a lamb without spot or blemish, and Peter, by his own admission was a sinful man. But Jesus was without sin. A Jesus Only Denomination has been United Pentecostal Church. Also, many of the churches that call themselves Apostolic. I'm somewhat apostolic myself, in that I follow the Apostles and those who've written books of the New Testament, except that I'm well aware of the fact that Jesus is greater than any of the Apostles, and greater than all of them put together. So, if there seems to be a difference in what Peter has said and what Jesus has said, I'll follow Jesus every time. It's the wiser thing to do. It's the safer thing to do, and far less presumptuous than those who follow Peter more than Jesus. Arab Spring? by Frederick Hoehn, www.FredHoehnMinistries.com copyright 2012, all rights reserved In the Oct. 2012 issue of the Levitt Letter, author Ido Aharoni* writes about the “Arab Spring.” At the end of the article, he hopes for “democracy and prosperity for Muslims, Jews, and Christians alike.” But prosperity is not appropriate for Muslims because they have chosen to be followers of the false religion Islam. They say that Allah is God, but their Allah does not have a son Jesus. The real God has a son who is The Lord Jesus Christ. Muslims say that Jesus was a good man, and a prophet, but not the Son of God. In saying that, they contradict themselves. Jesus said he is the Son of God to the Jewish High Priest, and to Peter in the presence of the disciples. So then, if the Muslims are right that Jesus is not the Son of God, then Jesus is not a good man, but a liar; not a prophet, but a false prophet. But the Muslims are mistaken. Jesus is the Son of God, as He claimed to be, and the Muslims are stumbling in the darkness of their ignorance. In Hosea 4:6, God says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Lack of knowledge also destroys people who are not God’s people. In Mark 9:40, Jesus said, “He that is not against us is on our side.” In other words, you’re either for Jesus, or you’re against him. The Muslims are not for Jesus, they’re against him, though they claim him as one of their prophets. But that claiming of Jesus as one of their prophets is self-deceiving by the Muslims since they don’t really know what Jesus said while he walked on earth two thousand years ago. Those words are recoded in the Holy Bible, and the Muslims don’t bother with the Bible. Islam has been using the name of Jesus to add some legitimacy to their religion, but if they really believe Jesus is a prophet, why won’t they bother to find out what Jesus said and taught? A Muslim man I played chess with in Houston told me that Jesus never said he’s the Son of God. His statement is incorrect, and demonstrates ignorance of the Holy Bible. God’s teachings in the Bible are the basis for human success and prosperity. By rejecting the teachings of Jesus and of the Bible, the Muslims reject prosperity for themselves, and we ought not to wish prosperity for them while they remain adversaries to God and to his son, Jesus. Jesus said, “You MUST be born again.” (John chapter 3) The Muslims are not born again. It is the Christians who are born again, and God has promised prosperity for the Christians. (Galatians 3:13,14) Prosperity is not for God’s enemies. Of course, it has happened that a former Muslim has converted to Christianity, and is therefore entitled to prosperity. *www.NYDailyNews.com www.levitt.com Hassidic Jewish Practice of Arranged Marriages By Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2012, all rights reserved 09/25/12 Last night, on Turner Classic Movies, on Cox Cable, they spoke to the effect that it’s about Yom Kippur season, so they chose to present some movies about Jewish culture. The movie I saw starred Rod Steiger in the role of a Hassidic Rabbi, and Maximilian Schell as an Orthodox Jew seeking to establish Israel in the land of Palestine. (So, the movie was probably from about the 1940’s). The son of one of those fathers tells the son of the other father that Hassidic Jews have arranged marriages. Of course, that was seven decades ago, but if you’re still doing arranged marriages, I would like to point out that that is contrary to scripture. Consider the daughters of Zelophehad in Numbers chapter 36: Verse 5 And Moses commanded the children of Israel according to the word of the Lord, saying, The tribe of the sons of Joseph hath said well. Verse 6 This is the thing which the Lord doth command concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Let them marry to whom they think best; only to the family of the tribe of their father shall they marry. Verse 7 So shall not the inheritance of the children of Israel remove from tribe to tribe: for every one of the children of Israel shall keep himself to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers. (King James Translation) “…to whom they think best…” In other words those women can say yes or no to an offer of marriage. Why would you want to have arranged marriages when God says the woman can say yes or no to an offer of marriage? Rod Steiger’s character, the Hassidic Rabbi, was very much opposed to the reestablishment of Israel without Messiah. But as Steiger’s character was unaware of, the good news is that the Messiah has come, and his name is Jesus Christ. He is Yeshuah, Ha Meshia. This is very much to be celebrated! Fred Hoehn, a grafted-in Israelite, and a priest. www.FredHoehnMinistries.com Letter to Beschloss By Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2012, all rights reserved 09/02/12 Dear Mr. Beschloss: You were on TV today, on C-Span2. During the program, a quotation from one of your books was put on the TV screen in which you referred to Khruschev as the AntiChrist. History books are supposed to be non-fiction, Mr. Beschloss, but that statement is fiction. But you might wish to characterize the statement as a metaphor or other figure of speech, however, a better way to characterize it is bad theology and false doctrine that might lead readers astray theologically, and perhaps help to send some to hell. People who help to send others to hell are very likely to go there themselves. Those who don’t believe in hell will convert to believers in hell when they arrive there, and hell lasts forever for people who go there, which is the majority of people, says the greatest teacher who ever walked on earth, Jesus. In hell, there is crying and gnashing of teeth, where their worms don’t die, and where the fire will never be quenched. A history book that should be required reading for those who wish to write history books is “The Holy Bible.” If you would read it, you would see that Khruschev was not the Antichrist (or, the Beast, as in "the Mark of the Beast"), because the AntiChrist will be a man who rules the whole world during a seven-year period of time called "The Great Tribulation." But by the time of his death it became clear that Khruschev never ruled the world, nor did Alexander the Great, nor did Hitler, nor did Mussolini, whom another mistaken author referred to as the AntiChrist. I understand that author later said, "I'd give my right arm not to have written that book” (that said Mussolini was the AntiChrist.) The Lord rebuke you for having referred to Khruschev as the AntiChrist. Fred Hoehn Editor, “The Holy Bible, Hoehn Version,” copyright 2011 www.FredHoehnMinistries,com Curing Homosexuals by Counseling? By Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2011, all rights reserved Dear Michelle Bachman: 07/14/11 I believe it was radio talk show host Todd Schnitt who said something about your husband's psychiatry practice, or maybe it's psychology. Schnitt mentioned your husband trying to convert homosexuals to following Jesus and quitting homosexuality. It would be very good if your husband can convert homosexuals, and if he's successfully doing that, then he is no doubt casting out demons, as per Mark chapter 16. If your husband is casting out demons, that's great. We need much more of Christians casting out demons. Of course, one doesn't cast demons out of someone who wants to keep their demons, according to the teachings of Kenneth E. Hagin (www.Rhema.org), and I'm sure Hagin’s right about that. No doubt some gays don't want to be cured. Lester Sumrall was an authority on casting out of demons, and wrote some books, especially, "Demons, the Answer Book." Sumrall said "Homosexuality is a demon that needs to be cast out. It gets into the person through lust." From that, I gather that some homosexuals were at first straight, but messed around with heterosexual pornography, and then were tempted by a demon of homosexuality, and yielded to the temptation, allowing that demon into them. The authority of the Christian to cast out demons comes from Jesus in Luke 10:19, and Mark chapter 16. Please keep casting out demons. Fred Hoehn, www.FredHoehnMinistries.com P.S. The migraines are probably due to a demon that needs to be cast out. I would recommend Norvel Hayes. He's on the internet, and has New Life Bible College in Cleveland, TN. www.nhm.cc Balanced Budget Amendment by Frederick Hoehn, www.FredHoehnMinistries.com copyright 2012, all rights reserved I'm a patriotic American, and have served on active duty in our armed forces, and honorably discharged. There are things wrong with our nation, but that's no reason to turn against it. Where is a nation any better than ours? Balanced Budget Amendment. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? A Senator was talking in favor of that on one of the talk shows. Talk show host Mark Levin said he’s in favor of it. And what would be the purpose of a Balanced Budget Amendment? Well, obviously, to give our nation budgets that are always balanced. What's wrong with that? Not a thing. I'm 100% in favor of always having a balanced budget. "Wisdom has built its house, it has hewn out its seven pillars: It has killed its animals; it has mixed its wine; it has also furnished its table. It has sent out its maidens: it shouts at the highest places of the city..." Proverbs 9:1-3 Let's shine a little wisdom on this matter. Such a Constitutional Amendment would require a lot of work, time, and effort to obtain, and then once we had it, we would find that it doesn't accomplish the purpose. It's rather like passing a law that requires everyone to be good people. We already have laws against robbing banks, but banks still get robbed. We have laws against murder, but we still have murders. We have laws against committing perjury, but perjury is still committed. If we had a Balanced Budget Amendment, it would get violated. And then who is going to go arrest those who broke that law? Who is going to prosecute the offenders? How many of them would go to prison? If you said "None," I believe you’re right. It would be those in government who would break that law if we had a Balanced Budget Amendment, and the government isn't going to put its own in prison, especially when it would be so difficult to prove intent. All that a legislator needs to say, if challenged on the subject, is "I voted my conscience." Are you going to put someone in prison for voting their conscience? So let's spend our time more wisely than trying to do this dumb thing that sounds good but would prove to be ineffective. You are mistaken, Mark Levin, and your Senator friend. U.S. Ambassador Murdered in Libya by Frederick Hoehn, www.FredHoehnMinistries.com copyright 2012, all rights reserved Currently, an important news story is the murdering of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya. He was murdered with three other Americans in Libya. Are we now reaping the benefits of the "Arab Spring?" It's rather looking like the Arab Spring was not such a wonderful thing. How is Libya a better place now than it was under Khadafy? There are those who said change was needed. But not all change is for the better. Sometimes change is for the worse, as when we got the changes that came by electing Barak Obama. The fact that Osama Bin Laden is gone doesn't mean the hatred of non-Muslims by Muslims is gone. To the contrary, Muslims would like to find revenge against those who took out their hero. Remember Major Hasan at Ft. Hood, Texas? It was thought that Hasan was one of the good Muslims. He had gone through his training to be an Army Psychologist. He was counseling returning combat soldiers. But then something happened. Hasan got orders sending him to the battle area. Hasan didn't like those orders. "What to do, what to do," thinks Hasan. "Oh, here's what I'll do. I'll get my guns and start shooting people. Sooner or later, as I'm shooting people, someone will shoot me, and I'll die a Muslim martyr, upon which my religion says I'll go to heaven." But things didn't go quite as planned. Hasan did get shot, but it didn't kill him, it only paralyzed him. And his religion lied to him. God says, in his book, the Holy Bible, "No murderer has eternal life abiding in him." (1 John 3:15) Eternal life is going to heaven. If you don't go to heaven, you do go to hell, Major Hasan. When Hasan got orders he didn't like, he chose to be a Muslim martyr. This promise that Muslim martyrs go to heaven is why so many are willing to be suicide bombers. Muslims don't read the Bible, so they don't know that you don't get to heaven by being a murderer. They will see their error when they arrive in hell, where there's crying and gnashing of teeth, where their worms don't die, and where the fire is not quenched. And by the way, hell is forever, Major Hasan. How long will it be before the United States figures out that we should not be trying to help Muslim nations? That we should not be giving them foreign aid? That we should not station military personnel there? That there is no good reason why an American ambassador should be stationed there? How long will it be before the United States stops disobeying Jesus, who said, "Don't cast pearls before swine?" Cover-up by the Obama Administration by Fred Hoehn, www.FredHoehnMinistries.com copyright 2012, all rights reserved They said on the news, I believe it was Sudan, that won’t let U.S. Marines into their nation so we can guard U.S. soil there. O.K., if Sudan won’t let our U.S. Marines guard our embassy there, we should immediately pull our Ambassador to Sudan out of Sudan so that they don’t murder that person like Christopher Stevens, the Libyan ambassador was murdered, and we should cut off all financial foreign aid to Sudan. It is an established principle that nations have a right to guard their embassies, and God says, “Don’t remove the old landmark.” (Prov 23:10) If Sudan won’t let our marines in to guard the U.S. Embassy, then Sudan has removed the old landmark, disregarding God’s instructions. Why is it that people think they have a better idea than God, who created us? But those people are wrong. They don’t have a better idea than God. It is quite clear that if we hire local security people in Muslim nations, they are unreliable, as we have abundantly seen in Afghanistan, where more than fifty Americans have been murdered already this year alone, plus those murdered last year, etc. Actually, I’d like to see all financial foreign aid cut off to all foreign nations from the U.S. We have our own financial house that needs to be set in order. Why should we be sending money that we borrow and pay interest on to foreign nations when we have our own $16 Trillion national debt, a number so large as to be almost incomprehensible, and that we’re paying $ Billions each year in interest on. Let those foreign nations do their own borrowing of money, and pay their own interest. It is a scriptural principle, “Cast out first the plank out of your own eye, and then you’ll see clearly to cast out the speck from your brother’s eye.” (says Jesus in Matt 7:5) After we’ve put our own financial house in order, maybe we can do something for foreign nations. Our national debt has multiplied under the incompetent and presumptuous Barak Obama, who thought he had all the answers, when he didn’t even have the right questions. Is not the hand of Jeremiah Wright in all of this? (Under whose teaching Obama apparently sat for twenty years.) The Fox News Channel, especially Sean Hannity, has been providing good coverage about the cover-up by the Obama administration regarding the lie they told by insisting that the Libyan incident that killed four Americans was strictly due to a video disrespectful of Islam. Evidence has come out that no, it was a planned attack by our enemies to be carried out on the anniversary of 9/11/2001. A spontaneous mob doesn’t just happen to have with them rocket propelled grenades and mortars. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice was apparently sent to five Sunday talk shows to propagate that lie. May God have mercy on the United States. Framer's Roof Calculation by Frederick Hoehn, www.FredHoehnMinistries.com copyright 2012, all rights reserved One branch of Carpentry is Framing. A friend of mine who is a Carpenter and a Framer asked if there’s a way to calculate the length of the slant two by fours for a roof if you have the vertical and the horizontal lengths. The slant two by fours go on the building after the vertical and horizontal pieces are already there. But it’s more convenient if you can cut those slant roof pieces with your saw on the ground rather than up on top of the building. The Pythagorean Theorem will give you the length. It’s for use with right triangles. A right triangle has a right (or, ninety degree) angle. You can do it all in feet, or you can do it all in inches. Mathematicians know that there’s a three, four, five right triangle. If the vertical is three feet, and the horizontal is four feet, then the slant length is five feet, in which case, no calculations needed. Let’s call the vertical V, the horizontal H, and the slant length S. The formula is V multiplied by itself (squared) plus H squared equals S squared. Testing that with our 3—4—5 right triangle, 3 squared is nine. Four squared is sixteen. Nine plus sixteen is twenty five. Now let’s take the square root of twenty five. What number when squared equals twenty five? Five, of course. But with other lengths, we can use the square root function on a hand calculator. Before we start calculating, let’s make sure that there is zero in the calculator’s memory. There’s a little Casio hand calculator on the table here. Press memory recall (“RMC”) to see what’s in memory. If there’s anything other than zero in memory, I got rid of it by pressing “M-“, subtracting what was in the display from memory. Press clear to get zero in the display, now again recall memory to find zero. What if the vertical (V) is three and a half feet (3.5) and the horizontal (H) is twelve feet. Then what would the slant length (S) be? Press 3 . 5. Then press the multiply key (“X”), then the Equals key, and you get 12.25 in the display, which is 3.5 squared. Now press “M+” to put that result in memory. Now press clear to get zero in the display. Now press 1 2, then “X”, then Equals. So we have 12 squared, which is 144. Now press “M+” to add it to what’s already in memory. Now recall memory, and we have 156.25. Now press the square root key, which looks like a V with a horizontal line attached to the upper right of the V, and you get the result of 12.5 feet for your slant piece. But remember, most roofs have an overhang. The Pythagorean Theorem only covers the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle. Now add to that however much overhang the architectural plans call for. Remember also that the theorem deals with lines on a piece of paper, but houses are built with lumber that has not only length, but also width and thickness. So it would be wise to allow an extra inch or two the first few times of applying this method. You can always cut a little more off, but it’s harder to put length back on. There’s another method to calculate the slant length using Trigonometry. Let’s use the same example of V=3.5 feet, and H=12 feet. This little Casio calculator doesn’t do trig functions, so we’ll use a Texas Instruments calculator. Let’s call the angle between the horizontal and slant theta, a letter of the Greek alphabet. We’ll just use T for theta. The tangent of T is the ratio of V divided by H. We’ll get the angle of T using the arctan function on the calculator. It’s the alternate function of the “TAN” key. So, press “2nd” to get alternate function. Then press “TAN”. Then press 3 . 5, followed by the division key, followed by 1 2, then the right parenthesis key. Then “Enter/=”. The result is approximately 16.26 degrees, which we save in memory. Now the formula for our slant length is S=(H) x (secant of T). There’s no secant key, but the secant is the reciprocal of the cosine. Clear the display. Press “COS” for cosine, then “2nd”, “STO” to recall the angle. Then right parenthesis. Then equals. We see the cosine of our angle, T. Now, to get the reciprocal of the cosine, press the “x to the negative 1 power” key, followed by equals. That gives us the secant of the angle. Then press “X” for multiply, followed by 1 2 (our H of 12 feet), followed by equals, and we get 12.5 feet for the S slant length. Ohm's Law by Frederick Hoehn, www.FredHoehnMinistries.com copyright 2012, all rights reserved George Simon Ohm gave us the formula, I x R = E. You multiply your electrical current in amperes (amps), times your electrical resistance in Ohm’s, and you get your voltage in volts. I suspect that it was God who showed George. This is Ohm’s Law for d.c. circuits (direct current). Things get a little more complicated for a.c. circuits (alternating current, like you have at home in the U.S.) In a.c. circuits, you have your resistance, and also you have your inductive reactance, and your capacitive reactance. The impedance (Z) is the vector sum of those three things, and often results in changing the phase angle of the current relative to the voltage. A mnemonic device for this is “ELI the ICE man”, which reminds us that in mainly inductive circuits (L for inductance), the voltage (E) leads the current (I), while in mainly capacitive circuits (C for capacitance) the current leads the voltage. As an example of Ohm’s Law, if you have a hundred ohm resistor, and apply a voltage of one hundred volts, how much current will flow? The only answer Ohm’s Law will give us is one amp, because one times one hundred yields one hundred. That was Ohm’s Law for current, resistance, and voltage. But there’s another law. It’s P = I x E. The power (P) in watts equals the current (I) in amps multiplied by the voltage (E) in volts. For that same hundred ohm resistor with one amp of current flowing, the power would be one hundred watts, so that resistor needs to be fairly large physically, because a little half watt resistor would burn out under those circumstances. If you live in an older building, you don’t want to draw too many amps of current, and trip the breaker or blow the fuse. If you want to buy that newfangled cooking appliance you saw on TV, can you use it without tripping the breaker? Take the wattage of the appliance, perhaps it might be 1500 watts and divide by the voltage of 115 volts, and you get about 13 amps. Now add that to the number of amps being used by your other appliances that you’ll be using at the same time, (color TV? small room heater?) and see if it exceeds your 25 amp or 35 amp circuit breaker, as the case may be. Speaking of cooking, let me give you a quick recipe. This recipe came from my Grandmother, who was from Sweden. My Mother was watching my Grandmother cook. Grandmother added an ingredient to the food. My Mother asked Gramma, “How much of that, Mother?” Grandmother answered, “Yust ‘til you tink it’s enough.” And you can use that recipe with a lot of meals. But ask God to help you with what you think is enough. When you pray, believe you receive what you’re asking for, and you shall have it, from Mark 11:24, says Jesus. Psalm 1, Hoehn Version The Psalms are part of The Holy Bible, Hoehn Version. Copyright 2011, All Rights Reserved The Hoehn Version of the Holy Bible is simply the Holy Bible in plain American English. Editor: Frederick E. Hoehn. ___Psalm 1 1 Blessed is the man that won’t follow the advice of the ungodly, and doesn’t stand in the way of sinners, and doesn’t sit in the seat of the scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and he meditates in His law day and night. 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that produces its fruit in its season, also, his leaf shall not wither, and whatever he does shall prosper. 4 The ungodly aren’t like that, but are like the chaff that the wind drives away. 5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 6 For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall be destroyed.