Why Mitt Romney Outshines Obama by Fred Hoehn, fredhoehnblog.wordpress.com Mitt Romney is not perfect, but he is light-years ahead of Obama. Romney is a person of character and a patriotic American, who has worked for what he has. Obama is unpatriotic, apologizing to Muslim nations for things that should not be apologized for. Romney has Christian values, and I’m sure he believes in American exceptionalism. Obama doesn’t have Christian values and is clearly not a Christian, though he would have us believe the lie that he’s a Christian so he can get the Christian vote. You can’t say that Islam is one of the world’s great religions, as Obama did, and be a genuine Christian. Islam sends all of its followers (the Muslims) to hell. A great religion doesn’t send its followers to hell. Thus, Obama is a liar and is himself on the road to hell. Obama doesn’t believe in American exceptionalism. He doesn’t see that the U.S. is an exceptionally good nation. It is true that the U.S. has come down some because of sex perversion, failure to punish criminals properly, and failure to fear God like our founding fathers did. Obama aids in this downturn of the U.S. by coming out in favor of gay marriage, something a Christian couldn’t do. If America were not a great place to live, why then do we have so many illegal aliens, and more trying to get in all the time? If there’s a better nation somewhere in the world, why doesn’t Obama go and live there? The wicked are like the chaff that the wind drives away, and Obama is one of them. (Psalm 1:4) Some people go whichever way the wind seems to be blowing. Obama is one of those. Romney is not. Romney will move the nation forward. Obama is a huge roadblock to the nation’s forward progress. Four years of Obama have shown that he is a paper tiger, no substance, he’s all talk, with dismal performance. Jesus told of two men: One, who built his house on a foundation of the teachings of Jesus, and the Other, who built his house on the sand by disregarding Jesus. Then the storms of life came. The guy on the foundation came through O.K. The guy on the sand was ruined. Obama is the guy on the sand. Romney has a foundation. Jesus basically taught that you’re either with him or against him. By not taking Jesus seriously, Obama is against Jesus and for Satan. Our nation needs Romney so that Obama doesn’t proceed to flush our nation down the toilet, as he is bent on doing.