Proper Nouns in the Bible and their Duplicates by Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2013, all rights reserved. The proper nouns in the Bible are capitalized nouns. They are of two kinds: names of people, and names of places. But some of these names have duplicates, that is, a person or a place can be called by another name. These lists have been computer generated, that is, a computer program went through the Bible, and made a list of the Proper Nouns, the capitalized nouns. Then manually, the names were separated into people and places. In a few cases, it wasn’t so obvious from looking at the proper noun, whether it was a person or a place. But then one uses a concordance, such as one of the Hoehn’s Concordances to find the proper noun in the Bible, and the text of the Bible reveals whether it’s a person or a place.