Kay: 04/25/13 Don't know whether you've read my biographical info. The Lord has called me to be a priest. As you probably know, God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. If someone wants to get right with God, they should get born again. (John chapter 3, Romans 10:9,10) Once a person is a Christian, the Lord wants his people to be baptized in water. Some of the churches are not teaching this, but the Lord also wants every Christian to be baptized with the Holy Ghost. The baptizer with the Holy Ghost is the Lord Jesus Christ, who said, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find." (Acts chapter 2, chapter 10, chapter 19) Every Christian should ask the Lord to baptize them with the Holy Ghost. The evidence of the baptism with the Holy Ghost is the speaking in unknown tongues. You'll speak in a language you don't understand. God doesn't take control of your mouth and lips. No, the Holy Ghost gives you the words, and then you speak out those words in that strange language. You'll be praying to God and worshipping God. But when you pray, believe that you receive the things you ask for, and you shall have them. (Mark 11:24) Sometimes people ask God for something and don't put their faith with their prayer. Once you've received the Baptism with the Holy Ghost, then Christians should pray in the unknown tongue every day of their lives. The Lord bless you. Fred