07/20/12 Dear Amy: I sent you two emails from the library, and now I'm home typing this. It's 1 John 4:1-3 where it talks about don't believe every spirit, but test the spirits, and it gives you the test there to test the spirits with. If it seemed to be God telling you a certain man was to be your husband, and then later events showed that that wasn't the right man, then it looks like it wasn't actually God who said that. Back when I was about your age, I thought God spoke to me about a certain woman who would become my wife. She and I dated some, but when I spoke of marriage, she was definitely not interested. But probably I should have prayed a lot more about a decision as important as marriage. There have been things that didn't go as I thought they ought to. I presented my case to the Lord, but He didn't immediately take corrective action. I carry 3 by 5 inch cards in my pocket. One for a to-do list. One for a shopping list. But another card I started carrying reflects a conclusion I came to a couple of months ago. It says: "I choose to act as though the Bible works, even if events and circumstances seem to indicate otherwise. I choose to believe the Bible because I'm sure I'll get better results that way, than by disputing the Bible. Also, I want to go to heaven, not hell." So why would it be necessary to carry a card that says that? Because the situations of life pushed me to a place where I had to decide whether to stick with the Lord and the Bible, or go in some other direction, and I chose to stick with the Lord and the Bible. This doesn't mean I'm thrilled with every aspect of Christianity, but I'm just going to have to stick with the Lord. I hope you choose that too, Amy. I believe there's something at my website about the Baptism with the Holy Ghost with the speaking in other tongues. Every Christian ought to get the Baptism with the Holy Ghost. Charles Capps has written about how we Christians should be speaking things into existence. I recommend his book, "God's Creative Power Will Work for You." He's at www.charlescapps.com, or you might find it at a Christian book store. Another important teacher is Kenneth E. Hagin, who has written some good books, including books on the subject of dealing with demons. He has a son, K.W.Hagin, but I prefer the teaching of K.E.Hagin. His books are at www.Rhema.org, or in some Christian bookstores. I believe K.E.Hagin was also one of God's prophets. Even if there are disappointments, Amy, there is still nothing better than being a Christian and going to heaven. I hope to see you there, in case I don't see you before then. Fred Hoehn