10/30/15 Dear Speaker Ryan: Congratulations on becoming Speaker of the House! I have no doubt that you'll do a good job. I didn't see that John Boehner was doing such a bad job until he said on TV that he had invited the Pope to speak to a joint session of Congress. This is America, and Boehner, like everyone else, has freedom of religion. But to inflict Pope Francis on the Congress was way out of line. And now Boehner is gone, thank God. Then when the Pope addressed Congress, he asked them to abolish the death penalty, in direct opposition to God, who said in Numbers 35:33 that murderers must be executed. Apparently, the Pope can't read, otherwise wouldn't he know that God requires murderers to be executed? Or, maybe it's just that the Pope is not a God-fearing man. God will surely bring the Pope down, and I expect that the Pope will go to hell. PBS, lately, seems to think that it's their mission to advance the cause of male and female homosexuality in our nation, as the servant of Satan that PBS is. If you're not a homosexual, PBS thinks that at least you should know more about homosexuality. No, I don't need to know any more about homosexuality, which comes straight out of hell. And God says in 1 Cor 6:9,10 that homosexuals can't go to heaven. The word there is "the effeminate," which, of course means homosexuals. Both male and female homosexuality are condemned in Romans chapt 1. Those who don't go to heaven do go to hell, where there's crying and gnashing of teeth, where their worms don't die, and where the fire is never quenched (says Jesus). Another very serious fault of PBS is that they teach the lie that is the Theory of Evolution on their science and nature programs. They say that they're funded by viewers like me. No they're not, because if the viewers were like me, PBS wouldn't get a penny. The funding for CPB ought to be permanently cut off, and PBS should be destroyed. And I have prayed for that to happen. May the Lord help you in governing the nation, Mr. Speaker. God bless you. Sincerely, Frederick Hoehn P.O. Box 153 Omaha, NE 68101