Hi Tom: 11/24/12 I have another question for you about another book that I'm the author of, copyright 2012. It is one of the eight books that I had for sale at Amazon.com, as an ebook for the Kindle reader devices. But now, I'd like to do the hardcopy book. I wrote computer programs in the C++ programming language that went through and extracted all of the words (except for the most common words like "and," "the," etc.) from the King James Bible, together with which book, chapter, and verse they came from. Then my software took the data and made it into "Hoehn's Concordance to the King James Bible." It includes all the proper nouns that are names of people and places in the Bible. Being computer generated, I believe it's very accurate. For this book, I'm not looking for a printing company, I'm looking for a publisher to partner with. This concordance, of course, is not in direct competition with Strong's Unabridged Concordance, nor would it be in that price range. It is more suitable for students, I would think. The publisher and I would have a financial arrangement whereby I get paid for the book, and royalties, while they print and distribute the book. Do you know of a publisher that might be interested? Fred Hoehn