Subject: Oral Roberts Brother Phil: 02/06/13 You mentioned Oral Roberts. Willard Cantelon was a traveling preacher—an evangelist, I guess. I heard him speak several times, both at North Hollywood Assembly of God, and at Faith Center Church in Glendale, CA. Cantelon said there was a healing evangelist who held tent meetings and got people healed. Cantelon didn’t give the healing evangelist’s name, but it was my impression he was probably talking about Oral Roberts. He said that evangelist’s board went to him and said, “Brother, we think you’d reach more people if you would just not emphasize the Holy Spirit as much. Cantelon said the evangelist followed his board’s advice, and lost his healing ministry. Norvel Hayes was evidently a friend of Oral Roberts. Norvel said he was riding along in a car with Roberts and said to Roberts, “Brother Roberts, I heard how you donated a valuable property to a Christian organization, and I appreciate your doing that.” Hayes said Roberts turned to him with those piercing eyes (Roberts is apparently part American Indian) and said, “We had to do that. Our organization was having serious financial problems, and I went to the Lord in prayer about it. The Lord reminded me how the Bible says, give and it shall be given to you.” The Lord said he had already blessed Roberts as much as possible according to his giving. So Roberts said to Hayes, “So I and my son put our heads together to see what else we could give, and we found that piece of property and gave it, and the money just poured in after that.” The Roberts son came to speak in the San Francisco Bay area while I was living there. I went to a meeting with my friend and his wife. The wife was hoping to receive healing. But she didn’t. It rather seemed that the main purpose was for the young Roberts to get a video made, and I was a little surprised that he didn’t seem to be more concerned with healing the sick. But we’ll see what the Lord says about it on Judgment Day. I did say to you that my name is not in the Bible. But it does talk about me in the Bible, in John chapter 7. 38 He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." 39 (But he spoke this about the Spirit that those who believe on him would receive, for the Holy Ghost was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.) I’m one of those with living waters flowing out of my belly because I’m baptized with the Holy Ghost. Fred