Subject: I don't recommend... Komlan: 12/09/12 I don't recommend all of the books of Charles Capps. I recommend his book, "God's Creative Power will Work for You." But one time, I went to a Christian book store to buy that book, and it was out of stock at the time, so I bought his trilogy in a gift box, titled something like "God's Creative Power Gift Collection." I believe it sells now for about $16.00 at his website, Capps has made some mistakes in his teaching, and yet, I believe God sent him to teach the message about right talking. I believe God has given Charles Capps some revelations from God. But Capps is wrong when he says, "fear is the reverse gear of faith." No it's not. Unbelief is the opposite of faith. Capps seems to have overlooked the fact that not all fear is bad. For example, "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." Another scripture says, "Happy is the man who fears always." Capps seems to be unaware of that scripture. Capps is wrong, as is Kenneth Copeland, about Job, and they blame Job for the troubles that came upon Job. (the Book in the Bible immediately before Psalms.) They point out that Job said, "The thing I greatly feared has come upon me." Yes, but at the beginning of Job it says Job was perfect and upright. So, if God says Job was perfect and upright, Capps and Copeland have no business saying Job's troubles were his own fault. No, Job's troubles were as a result of a conversation between God and Satan. God let Satan test Job, and Job passed the test with a good score from God, who gave Job twice as much as he had before. Capps is also wrong when he says that the only power Satan has is the power to deceive. That's a lie. In the book of Job, Satan caused disasters for Job, and brought boils on Job's body. Capps is wrong. Sometimes teachers draw conclusions that they have no business coming to. I believe Norvel Hayes drew a wrong conclusion when he said that the Syrophoenician woman was selfish. My Bible doesn't say that. If anything, I would say she was very unselfish. Kenneth E. Hagin made a huge mistake when he said, "God never killed anyone yet." What about the people God killed with Noah's flood? What about Sodom and Gomorrah? What about the Egyptian army God killed by closing up the water on them? Hagin didn't mean to lie, but he got hold of some bad teaching from someone who was supposed to be a Hebrew scholar (but who was rather poor at being a Hebrew scholar), and based on that bad teaching, Hagin made his false utterance. I still say that I believe I've learned more from K.E.Hagin than from any other teacher or preacher or pastor. But I've said before, if we start throwing away teachers the first time we find them making a mistake, then pretty soon, we'll have no teachers. Let's get the good that we can from each teacher, and reject their mistakes. Judgment Day will come, and Capps will be ashamed for some of his errors, and will suffer loss, according to Cornithians. Now on the "CD1" promise disk. Please understand that I didn't produce that disk for public consumption. I don't intend to offer it for sale at I made it for myself. Before I would offer it for sale to the public, I need to edit it down some, to edit out some things. But you were interested in the promise/confessions CD, so I made you a copy. Please let me explain that some of those promises and confessions are based on scriptures in the Bible that are for everyone. But some are based on personal revelations that I have personally received from God for myself that are not necessarily for anyone else. Example: "Your seed shall be as the sand of the sea." You can find those words in the Bible. God said that to Abraham. But God meant that Abraham's descendants would be uncountable, as it is today. God said the same words to me, but he didn't mean my biological descendants, he meant my spiritual children would be uncountable. Also, the Lord told me, "I'll give you a name like the great men in the earth." Now, God can do that for a lot of people. But that promise was to me, and I don't know how many others the Lord has said that to. I would like to recommend to you for your computer an excellent product called "Power Bible." It's not wonderful teaching, and please don't use the commentaries, but as a resource for references, including Greek and Hebrew it's very good, and only $7.00. The have an email address:, and phone number (800) 243-7124. I use it myself. Brother Fred