Dear Mr. Priest: 09xxxxxxx I will not be sending you any money now. Nor am I looking for a printer. If I merely needed a printer, I could choose one from the Yellow Pages. I'm seeking a publisher who will recognize that the HBHV is a translation of the Bible superior to the New King James Version, superior to the New International Version, superior to the Living Bible, and easier to understand than the King James Version, and who will see the profit-making opportunity for themselves. Your financial benefit will come out of the proceeds from the publisher. My offer to you is thirty percent of all royalties and all other proceeds from the publisher, with seventy percent going to me. My offer is non-exclusive. That is, I may also engage other publishers to publish the HBHV and the New Testament, Hoehn Version, and my concordances and other books. However, the advantage to the next publisher to agree is that they will be the first to publish the hard copy version of the HBHV, which I expect will be a significant advantage to them. I would like to see at least an imitation leather cover, but if they choose a leather cover, that would, of course, fetch a higher price for them at wholesale or retail. The paper needs to be fine, such as India paper because the Bible or New Testament would be too cumbersome printed on ordinary paper. I will include the New Testament, Hoehn Version as an attachment to this email, in case the publisher would rather start with the New Testament than with the HBHV. Sincerely, Frederick Hoehn P.O.Box 153 Omaha, NE 68101-0153