Dear Darren: 11/08/15 I submitted, and you published, vol. 1 of the New Testament, Hoehn Version. Then I got busy and recorded vol 2. And so, for perhaps a year or so now, there are three NTHV's: vol 1, vol 2, and the whole NTHV. Sales couldn't be worse. I don't think we've sold any of the NTHV's. I would like to make a change that I expect will help sales. Please discontinue offering vol 1 and vol 2, and offer only the whole New Testament, Hoehn Version, and please continue offering the Success book. I expect it will be less confusing to the prospective customer. Enclosed is $15.00 for my inconveniencing you. Thank you, Frederick Hoehn P.O. Box 153 Omaha, NE 68101 U.S.A.