Dear Brother Bill: 01/01/13 I believe you have some faulty doctrine, Brother Bill; some bad theology. In our telephone conversation, I believe you said you're calling for 100,000 prophets to confront the people in government that are doing wrong. While it's true that the Bible says "all may prophesy," I don't think it means the way you're talking about. I believe that's in the context of 1 Cor 14:26. "When you come together." In Christian meetings. Not going out to confront all of the bad politicians. That would be a lifetime task for those embarking on it, and it would be unscriptural because God has not put his Christians here to set the nation right, He has put us here to win the world for Jesus. Why have you turned from winning the world for Jesus to trying to set the nation right? It is good that you are a patriotic American. So am I. I've served in both the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Army, and the California Army National Guard. If you think you're more patriotic than I am, I believe you're quite mistaken. It is not my mission, however, to set the nation right. But as the presidential election approached last year, I wrote articles and put them on the internet, and emailed them to many places in hopes that Obama would not be reelected. That effort didn't result in the effect hoped for. Don't you know that in the latter days, "evil men and seducers shall grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived?" You spoke of the possibility of Obama getting saved. I believe that's a foolish notion. Now that Obama seems to have gotten reelected, do you really think you'll persuade him to surrender to God? He has his evil plan, and who is Bill Falling to tell him he doesn't know what it's all about? Actually, I'm not sure Obama did get reelected. I think maybe he has enough supporters in the right places to have stolen the election, so that his reelection is fraudulent. Are the American people really so ignorant as to have reelected that crook? I think also that you don't understand the office of a Prophet. The Prophet doesn't take it upon himself to go tell people what the Prophet thinks. No, the Prophet is a messenger to deliver messages that God has specifically given that prophet to deliver. But if you want to just go and preach the Gospel, go ahead and preach the Gospel. But that's called preaching or evangelism, and not prophecy. I believe you've missed the will of God in this matter, Brother Bill. Sincerely, Frederick E. Hoehn, Priest Forever after the order of Melchisedek