A Woman's Right to Choose? by Fred Hoehn, copyright 2012 There is an expression, comparatively new in American English. People didn’t talk like that when I was growing up. But in recent decades, you sometimes hear about “A woman’s right to choose.” Well, yes, women choose every day. They go to the supermarket and choose which tomatoes are the best; which frozen foods would be good. But that’s not what the expression means. It means a woman’s right to choose whether to give birth to a baby. Can a woman choose whether to have a baby? It is the normal thing that girls grow up to be women, get married, and have babies. It is the usual and normal thing, and God created that things should normally be that way. If everyone in the world decided they want no more babies, then the human race would die out. But I don’t think God is worried that will happen. Young girls want to grow up and become mommies. Children play children’s games. Some of those games are playacting of adult situations. In those skits, the girls want to be the mommy, even though it’s just children playacting. But if there’s a young woman who, for whatever reason, has decided she doesn’t want to have babies, there’s an easy solution to the problem. She should not get married. The expression “A woman’s right to choose” sort of suggests that there is some kind of divine right from God that a woman can choose whether to have a baby or not. If the woman will just choose to not get married, she shouldn’t have to make the choice whether to have babies. If there’s no sex, there will be no babies. The exception to that, of course, is artificial insemination, but that is also a choice. “A woman’s right to choose” expression really came into existence from people who believe in abortion. They ignore the fact that the woman could have chosen not to marry, and say that once the woman gets pregnant, she now has the right to choose whether to give birth, or get an abortion. It’s true that abortions have been performed, but whenever that happens, that’s murder, and God says in his book, “You shall not commit murder.” The King James Bible says, “Thou shalt not kill,” but it means you shall not commit murder. After giving the Ten Commandments through Moses to the Children of Israel, God still sent his people into battle against their enemies and gave them the victory in their battles, resulting in dead enemy soldiers. But fighting in a war is not murder. Killing little babies that have not yet come out of their mothers is murder. And that child has done nothing to be executed for.