Why the U.S. Should Immediately Leave Afghanistan by Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2012. August, 2012 It was reported on Fox News that recent murders by Afghans of Americans in Afghanistan bring the total to forty murders of Americans by Afghans in uniform just this year alone. These are not battle casualties. If two armies war, some casualties are to be expected. No, these were murders by murderers we were trying to train, so they would be able to take over the defense of their nation. And that excuse has been used about the American presence in several Arab/Muslim nations. The authorities explain that we are training the nationals so that they can take over the defense of their nation. How much training is required to learn to shoot a rifle? You squeeze the trigger and the bullet comes out. But guess what? Here's a little secret that the authorities don't seem to have caught on to. THOSE MUSLIMS DON'T WANT US TRAINING THEM. To Muslims, we are considered infidels since Americans are generally not Muslim. Why would a Muslim want to be trained by an Infidel? He wouldn't, of course. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, went to Afghanistan and met with Gen. John Allen and discussed the problem. Dempsey said, "A percentage is infiltration, and a percentage is cultural..." It is time to face the fact that our Good Samaritan intentions to train the Afghans amounts to "casting pearls before swine," which God says not to do in his book, the Bible. It is a mistake for an individual to disobey God, and it is a mistake for a nation to disobey God. The Afghans don't want us there training them. They want us dead. Hamid Karzai, head of state of Afghanistan has been reported to be a corrupt politician, apparently involved in the drug trade, who clearly has a bad attitude, demanding the U.S. pay reparations to Afghanistan. No, we don't owe Afghanistan reparations. They offended first by training and harboring terrorists, such as those who carried out the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks. When we asked they surrender the terrorists, they would not. Let the Afghans pay us reparations for the damage done on 9/11. After Jesus said, "Don't cast pearls before swine," it is a very serious mistake for us to be doing just that in Afghanistan. Barak Obama recently went to church. Apparently, he would like to have the Christian vote. But if Obama were a Christian, why won't he obey Jesus and stop casting pearls before swine in Afghanistan? This is even further evidence that Obama's not a Christian.* Afghanistan was like something out of the dark ages before we got there, and it is very likely they will revert to that after we leave there. There is no need for more Americans to die there. We should stop casting pearls before swine.