Thou Shalt Not Make Fun Of by Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2012. Exodus 22:28 “Thou shalt not revile the gods…” Notice that “gods” is spelled with a lower case g, not a capital G. I believe this scripture means Don’t make fun of demons (or, devils.) In fact, I heard of some people who foolishly used a Ouija board, and then made fun of the demon, and the demon threw them against a wall. God doesn’t want people using Ouija boards, or going to fortune tellers, or palm readers, or tarot readers, or seances, or anything else occult. People who do so don’t understand that they’re doing damage to themselves. I had a friend who was dating a woman who used to go to a “seer.” Then my friend thought maybe he would marry the woman he was dating. I said, “If you marry her, you’re also marrying the seer.” A man tried to give me a book on mythology. I wouldn’t take it. That’s junk. You don’t need that junk, or horoscopes, or anything occult. If you want the straight information, read the Holy Bible. (but not the Jehovah’s Witnesses bible, which is counterfeit.) People in India, of the Hindu religion, think there are many Gods. No there aren’t. There’s God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Ghost (or, Holy Spirit, or, Comforter.) And that’s all there is to God. If you think you’ve found something beside that, what you’ve found isn’t God. There was an interesting program on Nova, on PBS, titled “The Man Who Loved Numbers.” It was about a man from India who was very good at a branch of mathematics called “sums.” I think we would now call it Integral Calculus. He was so good at sums that the British brought him to England to a University there to work with them. They asked the man how he came to be so good at sums. He answered, “The goddess (so and so) comes to me at night and shows me about sums.” I don’t remember the name he gave. The British didn’t understand what he meant. I understand what he meant. A demon, posing as a goddess, came to him and spoke with him. And the man died prematurely. Demons might seem to do something worthwhile, but essentially they come to steal, to kill, and to destroy, like Jesus said in John 10:10. 1 Corinthians chapter 10 Verse 20, But I say that the things that the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, and not to God, and I don't want you to have fellowship with demons.