10/20/10 Dear Senator McCain: Gays in the military is a very bad idea. In his book, The Holy Bible, God says homosexuality is an abomination. God hates homosexuality. Homosexuality comes from Satan. God says, "Man shall not lie with man as man lies with woman." Dr. Reuben, who wrote "Everything you always wanted to know about sex" said in his book, promiscuity is the very nature of homosexuality. Thus, homosexuals are always looking for new partners. Thus, homosexuality is a cancer in our society and in our military. Whether it's male or female homosexuality, it's wrong. Homosexuality is actually a form of insanity. The reason insane people are insane, and behave with their insane behavior, because they have demons (fallen angels) in them. Homosexuals likewise have demons, or fallen angels, in them. Some people say we should be tolerant. Would you tolerate a rattlesnake crawling around on the floor of your home? Would you tolerate disease carrying rats in your home? Would you tolerate and look the other way from pedophile priests who molest children? We should not tolerate pedophile priests, and we should not tolerate those other sex perverts, the male and female homosexuals. Frederick Hoehn