Letter to Bryzinski by Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2011. 02/12/11 Dear Mr. Bryzinski: The other day on TV, probably the Jim Lehrer News Hour, in talking about revolution in Egypt, you brought up the revolution in Poland involving Solidarity, and what you referred to as "the church." What church is that, Mr. Bryzinski? But I've heard that the Catholic church is big in Poland. Perhaps you meant the Catholic church. If you were raised a Catholic and are now one, then probably you really do think that the real church is the Catholic church. People tend to think that whatever their church is must be the right one. But in that case you'd be wrong. Now if someone were participating in a discussion that was already understood by all to be about the Catholic church, then to use the phrase "the church" would obviously mean the Catholic church. But to use the phrase "the church" randomly, without predefining what is meant, is to use the phrase incorrectly, since you didn’t specify what church was meant. The Catholic church is not "the church." It is merely one of the many churches. Nor is it the best of the churches. Many Catholics believe that the Catholic church is going to get them to heaven. But it is not, because Jesus said, "You must be born again." (John chapter 3) While living in Houston, my wife & I met Charles & Elizabeth Melton who had come out of the Catholic church. They said, "When we were in the Catholic church, we were not taught what Jesus said, 'You must be born again.' " No, they said they were taught that you would go to heaven if you were a good Catholic. No you won't. You must be born again, Jesus said. You get born again when you hear the gospel message, and then do as in Romans 10:9,10: “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart God raised him from the dead, you’re saved, for with the heart, man believes for righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made for salvation.” But people who are trusting the Catholic church to get them to heaven, and leaving out Romans 10:9,10, will be severely disappointed for eternity (forever). The definition of "the church" is what God says it is. And where does God tell us? In his book, the Holy Bible, where God says the church is all the believers in Jesus. Of course, there might be some born-again Christians in the Catholic church, but probably most Catholics go to hell for not being born again. In fact, Jesus said, “Broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there are who go there; narrow is the way that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matt 7:13,14) Catholics also have a prayer called "The Rosary." It is a prayer addressed to Mary. There is no scripture anywhere in the Bible authorizing anyone to pray to Mary. No one in the Bible prayed to Mary. God said, "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me." To pray to Mary is to commit the sin of idolatry. Furthermore, if you pray to Mary, she can't hear you. How do I know that? From Kenneth E. Hagin, who walked in the office of a prophet and teacher. Hagin taught that people in heaven don't know what's happening on earth, although they might know when a sinner gets born again, because the Bible says that when that happens, the angels rejoice. People in heaven are likely to ask angels, "What are you rejoicing about?" Catholics also have prayer beads, or "Rosary beads," often on the same necklace as a cross. The beads are for counting the repetitions of saying the Rosary prayer. Not being a Catholic, I can't say how many beads, but it appears to be twenty or more. This is very much contrary to scripture because Jesus said, "When you pray, don't use vain repetitions like the heathen do." (Matt 6:7) On their cable channel, the Catholics regularly have a fat nun who is teaching Catholics to pray the Rosary. Why is the Catholic church teaching its followers to disobey God? I don’t really watch that channel, but see it as I channel surf. The Catholic church also has a big problem with pedophile priests who sexually molest boys. It has happened many times, and they’ve been sued and had to pay out big money for that. Maybe it wasn't such a hot idea to make the Catholic priests take a vow of chastity, since they're not able to keep that vow. The Old Testament priests married and had families. Why does the Catholic church think it has a better plan than God has in the Bible? Frederick Hoehn