Charles Capps is Wrong about Fear by Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2012. I've said that I'm a student of Charles Capps, and I am. I recommend his book, "God's Creative Power Will Work for You." Capps has said that he has heard from God. He's said, "The word of the Lord Came to me..." Has Capps heard from God? I believe that he has heard from God, but so have I also heard from God. Does the fact that Capps has heard from God mean that everything Capps teaches is correct? No, it doesn't. Everything a man teaches is correct if and only if that teacher is careful to stick with all the teachings of the Bible, and not get presumptuously off into his own theories. "Father in heaven, please help me, Frederick, to always teach sound doctrine, in Jesus’ name, Amen." Capps has said, "Fear is kind of the reverse gear of faith." No it isn't. The opposite of faith is unbelief, not fear. Capps seems to have the idea that all fear is bad. That idea is wrong. There is good fear, and there is bad fear. Psalm 111:10 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom..." You don't have wisdom if you don't fear the Lord. So here, this fear is a good thing. Prov. 28:14 "Happy is the man that fears always, but he that hardens his heart shall fall into mischief." It says, Happy is the man who always fears. Charles Capps seems to be unaware that Prov. 28:14 is in the Bible. Otherwise, how could he say that fear is the reverse gear of faith. Capps is wrong. Another mistake Capps has made is about Job. Capps has said that Job brought his own troubles on himself. No, that's wrong. Better read the Book of Job again, Mr. Capps. God says that Job was perfect and upright, therefore you have no business saying Job was at fault. Job's troubles came as a result of a conversation between God and Satan. In that conversation, God gave Satan permission to test Job. And Job passed those tests. Kenneth Copeland made this same mistake about Job. Capps made another mistake when he said that the only power Satan has is to deceive. No, that's wrong. Look again at the same Book of Job, Mr. Capps. After God gave Satan permission, Satan brought real physical damage to Job’s property and goods, and brought real physical boils on Job's body. Those boils, Mr. Capps were no deception, they were painfully real. So then, is Charles Capps a man of God, or not? He is when he sticks to good doctrine, but when he gets off into presumption, then he has fallen short of it. No matter what teacher you listen to, you still have to study the Bible for yourself, and then if a teacher gets into presumption instead of good doctrine, you'll be able to spot it, with God's help. I have said that I've probably learned more from Kenneth E. Hagin than from any other teacher or preacher or pastor. But even Kenneth E. Hagin made a huge mistake when he said, "God never killed anyone yet." What? What about Noah's flood where God killed everyone in the world except for eight souls? What about when God sent an angel who killed 185,000 of the enemies of Israel? What about the death and destruction in Sodom and Gomorrah? What about the death of every firstborn in Egypt? So then did K. E. Hagin deliberately tell a lie? I'm sure he didn't. But Hagin got hold of some bad teaching by a man he thought was a Hebrew scholar, but who was not really a very good scholar. That bad teaching led Hagin astray.