About Unknown Tongues by Frederick Hoehn, copyright 2012 God sees the need for speaking in unknown tongues, otherwise he would not have given us the Baptism with the Holy Ghost with the speaking in unknown tongues. Of course, I believe Christians can go to heaven without the Baptism with the Holy Ghost, but their reward on Judgment Day will be lessened (I Cor. chapter 3). Also, since the Baptism with the Holy Ghost provides additional power to the Christian, (Acts chapter 1), the Baptism with the Holy Ghost might help someone get to heaven who otherwise would fall away to the enemy. Your church member also apparently embraces the false doctrine, "Once saved, always saved." In other words, once a person becomes a Christian, they can't lose their salvation, but that's a lie. Jesus said, "Many shall say to me in that day (Judgment Day), 'Lord, Lord, Have we not cast out devils in thy name...'" One doesn't cast out devils unless he is a Christian. Jesus said, "Depart from me...I never knew you." Another Christian and I were discussing this, and he said, "Doesn't the fact that Jesus said, 'I never knew you' mean that they had not been Christians?" No, it doesn't. Look at the early chapters of Ezekiel. God says, "When a righteous man turns to wickedness, his righteousness will be forgotten." And that is what happens with those who had been Christians but aren't "faithful unto death," and who don't "endure to the end," like Jesus said.